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Douglas A-4E Skyhawk - No.322 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Air Force, 1965














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Air force? Look good, I made the A-4A for the dutch navy.

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I used to have a really old flight international with artwork from a real world Douglas attempt to market the A-4 to the Netherlands over the F-5, think it was an Air Force only proposal. Wouldn't mind seeing the Navy version though, guess it would make sense had they not sold the Karel Doorman to Argentina.



Edited by fallenphoenix1986
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The Skyhawk was offered as a contender for the replacement in the KLu of the F84F in the mid '60's (plan C in the evaluation process) which eventually resulted in the procurement of the NF5. In the Navy it was considered as the replacement for the Seahawk on board of the carrier HrMs Karel Doorman, but on second thought it was decided to skip the attack role of the carrier and it was used in the  ASW  role with S2F Trackers and helicopters instead before being sold to Argentina .End of the fighter story for the MLD. Nevertheles, if the Naval Staff would have had it's way and the carrier would have been retained, the A4 would have been  the no 1 option for the reequipment of no 321 Sq RNNAS !!!.

By the way, the guys from 322 Polly Gray Sq. would have been offended being degraded to the mud moving task: "Not a pound for air to ground" was their motto, being pure air defenders in those days ....   :censored: . The A4's would have been used by the tactical 311 to 316 squadrons of Tactical Air Command of the KLu....

But just the same very nice job Spinners :bye:

Edited by Derk

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By the way, the guys from 322 Polly Gray Sq. would have been offended being degraded to the mud moving task: "Not a pound for air to ground" was their motto, being pure air defenders in those days ....    

Check the weapon load!

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Douglas A-4E Skyhawk - 312 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Air Force, 1971









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Douglas A-4E Skyhawk - 311 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Air Force, 1971





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Ha, the 311/312 squadron Scooters, now we're talking bussiness !!!. Of course they actually got the F-104's but these little jets would have been very effective !!!

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