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HMS Queen Elizabeth

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Everything is cash driven - even the new Scottish "Freedom Navy" - which is why it might look like this  :beach: 








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Just like when a Catalonian government funded "Think Tank" probed the Spanish Military for Catalonians willing to transfer to the would-be Catalonian Armed Forces. Some time later they got the Catalonian regional police chanting "Long Live Spain" at the Catalonian President while demonstrating for standard issue armoured vests.

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Everything is cash driven - even the new Scottish "Freedom Navy" - which is why it might look like this  :beach: 


I know it's stupid, but I could not resist (and was a bit tired to make something good...)



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I think you are not doing the things properly. You had an important budget cut during the last 6 years , I guess it was about more than a 10% during those years. And therefore that causes problems...


1) In 2006 the Sea Harrier fleet is retired , and then the joint force harrier is used insteand but now using Harriers with no radar with the task of defending the fleet among other missions, a few Sea Harrier with AMRAAM and the blue vixen radar would have been better to perform fleet defence rather than those Harrier Gr7/9 but during that time you still had fixed wing naval aviation.


2) At early 2011 all the Harriers are retired , about 72 aircraft? With no substitute , well yes the F-35.......


3) And many other capabilities:


* Maritime patrol aircraft

*Anti ship Missiles from aircraft (Sea Eagle)

*Anti radar Missiles from aircraft (Alarm)         (you rely too much on the Paveway IV system)


4) The F-35 must substitute not only the Harrier but also the Tornado, you have only bought the "b" version the less capable and more expensive of all of them and out of maximun of 138 only 48 are confirmed for both use of the RAF and the RN , so you must share about 48 between the RAF and the RN super carriers.... It is crazy they are very few aircraft.


5)  In the Royal Army you have according to The independent more horses than tanks... Only 156 tanks they said that they are in service, even Italy or Spain have more!!!


Sincerely, I'm from a country with a huge military tradition, like the UK, and during the past years I was complaning about the french military policy , but when I take a look to the UK m and I see what you had and what you have right now , I wonder... What did they do? 


It is just my opinion.



FRPignon,You are probably right, I think that the very poor economic situation that exists in Britain at this moment which has also been compounded by the Austerity cuts which have been imposed by the government has forced us to reduce expenditure on military as well. We are basically skint!!!!


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The Super Hornet is too big for that vessel. Look at what happened with the Kuznetsov and the Su-33...Russia is still kicking itself for not getting the MiG-29s from the beginning.


So the Super Hornet might've been a good idea IF they'd designed the carrier to be even bigger...like THAT idea would've flown.

How much bigger (and heavier) is the super Hornet compared to the Phantom? I ask because Midway class carriers (also about 65000 Ton) carried Phantoms, and I think the Su-33 is bigger than the Super Hornet (and bigger than the Tomcat too). I think a CTOL carrier with catapults and Hornets might actually be cheaper than the carrier as it is now with F-35 (the way things are going, a Star destroyers with TIE fighters might actually be cheaper than any carrier with F-35)

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Long story short - we have put a lot of money into F-35 so that's what will be going on them basically.

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Those extra feet of length makes a big difference when it comes to moving around the deck and hangar.

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