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I have decided to try the WWII SF2 here at CombatAce.

Trouble is, I don't have a clue as to how to get started.

I have SF2Israel and Europe on my machine.

If someone could tell me how to go about getting the WWII

going as far as what I need to load up first I would be most



Thanks for any help.

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well you may have to change the cat pointer in the terrain that you choose. also adjust the years in the options ini so you can fly from 39-45.


beyond that d/l the terrain for where you want to fly and the aircraft you want to populate it.

here is a tutorial by Wrench on how to change up your cat pointer, 




so long as you dont want a naval fight you should be ok.  carrier action you need at least SF2V, though NA would be a better choice. i dont think you can fly carrier mission without one of those two


i suspect the Ancient One will correct where i might be wrong here, but thats what i got

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Just one more stupid question...ya right! :beee:

Where do the bad guys come from (AI)?

As of right now I don't see any.

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On mainscreen where you choose a\c   look down for enemy activity and select what you prefer.

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That would work if there were enemy planes (AI) to begin with.

The problem is I have downloaded no AI planes, so the question

is, how do I get enemy planes into the game?

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wait, you build a WW2 install, and DIDN'T add any Axis aircraft???? Of course they're not going to show up...


our ww2 downloads section has quite a few (unfortunately, even more only available from the DAT site), but should be enough to get you started (again, depending on which theatre you're operating in

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Start looking here: http://combatace.com/files/category/495-german-origin/

And Here: http://combatace.com/files/category/496-japanese-origin/


Find the axis aircraft you'd like and start installing them. With more specifics about what install you'd like, we can give you more specific suggestions.


The Bf-109s by RussoUK and MontyCZ are spectacular. Highly recommended. Same for the Jack by Veltro2K and the Tojo by Geo. Just beautiful models.

Edited by ShrikeHawk

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I would like to thank everyone for their help in getting this WWII thing up and running.

Special thanks to KJakker, whos private message went a long way in getting me moving

in the right direction as well as saving me a ton of time.

It is great that a website like this exist, with so many helpful people. :biggrin:

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