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West Germany goes Vertical - Sea Harrier GN1

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(inspired by ValAstur's later Harrier model for the German Navy, I decided to make a predecessor)


Sea Harrier GN1


Built for the Germany Navy in 1977, this version of this Harrier has stronger engine, Mauser BK 27 guns, and other specializations requested by the Marine. It marked the first step for a German carrier battle group, which was expected to enter service by the end of the 70ies. The Sea Harrier GN1 was thus intended as multi-role aircraft and could be armed with a variety of weapons, although the only guided AG weapons were ASMs. Absolutely in line with the Luftwaffe, the Marine also skipped BVR combat capabilities ... at least in the first batches.


PS: What name would the German carrier get? HINDENBURG is not really possible; I am thinking about PLÜSCHOW, named after a pioneer of German naval aviation.





2. Staffel/ Marinefliegergeschwader 2

(the sidewinder is a bit too modern on the screenshot...)




Edited by PraetorH
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I like it. Based on small converted cargo ships with flat deck?

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It would have been worth a WW2 CVL, bought previously as a helicopter carrier, like our Dédalo, or something built with the British.

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Norm76 looks pretty good on the Harrier - very similar to the initial Sea Harrier paint-scheme that was used by the RN FAA.

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Great!!! Is the Harrier available for dowload?


As regards the carrier, what about Deutschland, or maybe Wilhelm Friederich Ludwig, after the first German emperor?

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Great!!! Is the Harrier available for dowload?


Thanks! The Harrier-model is the stock Harrier from SF2 Europe.

Maybe I will release the Sea Harrier GN1 later on; atm I have little time (and inclination) to go for bug hunting and polishing which is necessary for a release. But maybe later - together with my other Marineflieger aircraft. :cool:



As for the name, I think I am decided




Being a democratic state, naming ships after monarchs is a little difficult, same goes for names of WWII (with very few exceptions). Canaris is an interesting choice though, albeit a controversial one.

However, Brommy as commander of the first German navy - the navy of a democratically elected government even! - seems like a perfect choice. Sadly Germany does not name her warships after historical characters anymore. (The Lütjens-Klasse was an exception in that and the names chosen were subject to a lot controversy).


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together with my other Marineflieger aircraft


An A-7?  :biggrin:

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Actually I am working on the F-8 Crusader (at least I want to start one day...); I always wanted one with the Iron Cross. Suggestion on what a German Navy version should include are welcome. The Crusader seems to fit at least the navy even in the basic config.


But I have some older stuff nonetheless:





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Those A-7s look great on its deck!!!! The aircraft's blue is great!

Edited by ignacioc91

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