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The Bump Mapping Thread

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Since there's been a lot of discussion about this lately, I though that maybe we should have a thread that speaks to it.

It's something I'd actually like to learn how to do.


So.. here we go!



First off, the question I have is, can they just be added to existing or 'in the works' models, or are these textures needing to be 'built' in to model while still in MAX, before exportation??


I've been experimentating a little, and they just don't show up, even with fairly hard and well defined lines. As seen below....

I mean, it LOOKS right, but just isn't appearing in game





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AFAIK, bump maps must be added as a material texture during the model creation process.

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Ed is correct. Bump and specular mapping is treated like any other texture by the game engine. However, the model needs to have it built in MAX initially and exported.

A good example is to look at the OUT file of one of my models...you can see all the additional entries for a model with bump mapping:

( 1) Standard_19:
SF21BodyNormal.jpg (bump map)
SF21BodySpecular.jpg (specular map)
( 2) Standard_21:
Transparency enabled
sf21canopyspecular.tga (specular map)
( 3) Standard_22:
Transparency enabled
( 4) Standard_20:
SF21WingNormal.jpg (bump map)
SF21WingSpecular.jpg (specular map)
( 5) Standard_23:
Self-illumination enabled

Note the different entries under each material line:

Self-illumination enabled - For slimers
Transparency enabled - For your lenses, cockpit windows, etc
zzz.jpg - Basic texture
zzzyyy.jpg (bump map) - Bump maps
zzzxxx.jpg (specular map) - Specular maps


If you don't see these kind of entries under the material section in the OUT file, the model won't have that feature enabled.



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Bump maps are easy to get wrong it takes a little more thought to actually getting the needed effect.

Study a "real" aircraft of the model you're working on.....does it really have a 2 inch gap between the panels and rivets like half a tennis ball?? I bet not, but this is the effect you will quite easily end up with without a little thought.

I've found that that most modern aircraft will only benefit from bump maps to reproduce vents and stuff like that, panels and rivets/screws are usually a flush fit.

A lot of "Cold War" aircraft [especially Soviet made stuff] will benefit from some subtle panel and rivet bump mapping in certain areas of the airframe [research, research , research] as well as vents, holes etc.....just remember you should be able to see the depth of the vents etc BEFORE lines and rivets so vary the opacity of these to suit.

WW2 era [and earlier] aircraft really benefit from some good bump mapping as tolerances were usually greater and parts hastily mass produced,.


Other things to consider;

Just as in your usual skinning process, bigger maps mean more detail....or more smaller ones, I personally don't like models that are mapped to just one bmp [or jpeg nowadays] multiple maps will give you more detail area to play with, without going to a stupidly large single map.....remember you're talking about screws and rivets here.....a 1px brush will still only be a 1px brush and if used on a poorly mapped model could still give you rivets 6 inches in diameter !


Also as bump maps work WITH your other maps you may need to reduce the opacity of your panel lines etc to still get the correct effect.


I still use subtle amounts of shading on the main skin as trying to produce a depth effect [ up or down] with bump maps alone tends to produce an over exaggerated effect in my opinion.....remember the bump mapping relies on light direction to produce its effect so when the area is in shade bump maps wont be visible but the main skin will. 


It really is a LOT of trial and error, but once you get the correct balance things will look a lot more life like.....


Then you can move on to Specular mapping.................wink2.gif.pagespeed.ce.DG-_ZgrqXc.gif

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I agree ant...here is why I bump map a\c...hawk for example has a lot of panels,rivets that are prominent on skin..also a lot of gaps in panels,and dents and raises etc in the aluminium.some good examples here...also older soviet a\c were just held together ,with huge gaps between panels...


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