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My return to online multiplayer air combat... with DCS

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Its not so much stealth but armor (BIS devs specified as such) but given the Aimbots it doesn't matter... but yeah it is what it is and looks better with my skinwork, but that's for the relevant topic too.

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The problem I have with playing online is finding a server (or providing one) that attracts a group of people with similar interests that play well together in co-op and/or team vs team.

The F-86 server was great while it lasted, but the arrival of the MiG-21bis terminated the F-86 server and the crowd that was drawn to it.

I found a cool MiG-21bis online mission with players vs. B-52s and F-4s in a desperate cold war intercept situation, but the host rarely if ever has it up.

I have extracted both the MiG-21bis and F-86 missions for offline use, but feel uncomfortable hosting someone else's work.

In fact, the F-86 host was shocked to hear that I had easily been able to replicate his mission and host it on a night when his server was down.


So, now I am trying to make some missions I can try hosting that are comparable, but unique.

If I had a historical Korea or Vietnam map, the task would be easy.

But choosing red and blue side bases and "storylines" in a purely fictional Georgia map situation requires too much creativity on my part.

I don't want to build a "world", I just want to fly immersive/believable missions similar to the servers I already experienced without wasting a lot of time testing out the timing of the waypoints, force balance, etc.


In the mean time, the only server that appeals to me is the one popular WW2 P-51D vs Fw190D9 mission.

But, having spent so much time on the MiG-21bis in recent weeks, I have already lost too much proficiency in the Mustang and never got beyond just hosing the Mustang AI with the Dora.

The F-86 remains the best/easiest module to operate in full realism and enjoy dogfights without having to spend tons of time maintaining proficiency.

The only thing that has suffered with all my time flying the MiG-21bis is gunnery accuracy.


If I could build a viable server mission that allowed players to fly MiG-21bis vs F-86F, that would be pretty cool. More or less the same as F-4 vs MiG-17, but with the option to carry AIM-9B's on the F-86F.

But a more historically correct server would be lots of player and AI MiG-21bis vs a handful of player and AI F-15C with limits on the missiles to AIM-7F and AIM-9P to keep the F-15C's from stomping the MiG-21s (essentially filling in for early F-15A that had AIM-7F and AIM-9Js).


I hope the MiG-15bis comes out soon and is modeled in a way that is both realistic and competitive with the F-86F.

Until a more historically correct opponent is available for the MiG-21bis, I would fly F-86F vs MiG-15bis for most if not all of my online time and choose whichever side is undermanned.

In the mean time, I should probably fly a lot of P-51 and/or Fw190 and fly with those guys every night to sharpen my player vs player skill, which is quite a bit different from fighting AI.

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That's the reason I like Arma 3 and DCS, there's actual multiplayer so you can have these kinds of fights, as I found out I'm good with AI but not with humans (I don't fly enough multiplayer, but that was helicopters MP though).  Unfortunately you can't do that with DCS is roll back the time (though of course you can use the old style aircraft that is available) but yeah... I'm going to try and get online at some point, but I'll see as well.

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What kind of DCS multiplayer would you like to do? I am open to suggestions. I like flying the UH-1 whether as a rescue/transport type mission or a ground attack as long as the opposition isn't too lethal. I was just starting to learn the Mi-8 for combat when the Fw190 and F-86 popped up and distracted me. F-86 co-op against AI MiG-15bis or F-86 vs F-86 is great fun if you can get 2-4 guys flying at the same time. I should start flying P-51 and Fw190 online, but I am scared to see the results despite doing very well in the F-86 against live players.

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Running as CAS in the Flanker.  I prefer the -33 as it's tuned (my jet was all over the place earlier so I couldn't get a good run in with guns) but this was my third time flying the -27 in this manner.


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Sure thing man I'll see what I can do :smile:

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Have been trying myself to use the Su-33 as a CAS aircraft with no luck. I'm a lousy flyer, but I'm pretty sure you're best pilot than me, so can't wait to see what you can do with the Flanker against ground targets.

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I'd recommend setting up your stick so it's stable as it's a real pain in the ass to get (as last week) set right, but once you do its a great aircraft.  Heavier than the -27 but I've had more experience with the -33 most definitely.


As far as when is when we do it, so there's no set day or time, if the main man we play with is available to, we'll do some more, and that's quite honestly as even I don't know when he'll be able to play.

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Take your time mate I will use mine to train a bit more with bombs and rockets.

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Here's a basic mission file that you can work with.  The Su-33 is used and you can simply fly the waypoints, the last one before landing is roughly at the target area (Waypoint 3) so you can add labels.  Best thing to do is to keep your attacks from N to S, S to N, SE to NW or NE to SW.  Labels are on as well but it should provide some training.  I'm not sure if the JTAC will communicate if you're flying a Russian jet so here it is anyway.


Edited by EricJ

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Yep, there's plans in the future for a DCS portion of my school, but right now I'm staying focused on Arma 3 for the time being.

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Tried the mission several times. Is hard for me to kill a vehicle with the FAB bombs, as DCS IIRC does not model proximity kills, you need to hit those bastards or really really close. That's why I usually use big rocket pods against vehicles.


Will like to see tracks of your flights while doing CAS (no need for speechs, simply record the track and put it here so I can check how you do it.)

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Well I got to finish up that A-10 skin so I'll muck with it tomorrow and see what I can get for you.

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Sorry it took so long... other than the Bradleys (man they were tenacious) it appears I didn't hit... anything, but overall a good general idea.  There were no SAMs but it's a good habit to practice (ejecting flares) and I had to ditch as my gear wouldn't go down (Grr...)


The mission is also re-adjusted, to shorten the track as well as overall flight and made the Bradleys clump together as well.  If Labels work (didn't for me, the muzzle flashes were a good cue) then you can get a grasp. 


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Thanks, just finished it again, it seems I use a really similar way of doing things, except I like bigger (longer range) rockets that let me avoid the M2 gun. With bombs we work more or less the same, but of course we cannot expect any wonderful result doing CAS with the Su's...


Thanks for posting!

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If I was flying an A-10 I'd clean house much more than the Su's, but given the Russian procurement and tactical philosophy it's not surprising, they don't take a sophisticated approach as far as technology goes, and in the long run it to them doesn't matter.  Sometimes you need those rockets and bombs to be effective. Than and they have enough tanks and artillery to handle fire support as well, in extremis in some cases :smile:

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Advanced airplanes require advanced support, better to have Su-25, 27 and 33 flying than stealth style planes in the ground.

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True, given the F-35 you simply don't need stealth for CAS, because it's quite obvious you're coming in for a run, regardless of weaponry, and we all know the power of a radar is going to see you, as well golly gee willickers, you're out in the fracking open so... yeah.  Which is why I love jets with more pylons, bombas and missiles, and rocketas and bullet launchers are best.

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Pretty interesting. Are you offering courses with you as a tutor?

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Yep so far

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