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Infantry that actual move and fire.

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Are there any infantry in SF2 that actual move and fire their weapons, would someone please post the information.



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The "US_Marines" are an angry bunch, they would throw anything move able against your bird to bring it down. Give them a try, but do not get surprised if you not make it through the first low pass over them.

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all mine work, in every era.


the problem are, basically, the short range of the weapons carried (rifles and SMGs), and how the movements ini in the terrain was set up. Most have their "route points" too widely spaced to allow the infantry weapon to be brought to bear. The rare exceptions are those equipped with rocket launchers (bazooka, LAW or RPG), as they have a slightly longer range then the rifles.

So, in truth, it's not the grunt's fault!

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Yes, Yes, Logan, we are an angry bunch. No one has ever lived to tell about how they pissed us off and got away. We are good at what we do. Semper Fi

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Hi Jarhead1, I was talking about the "in-game" marines and when you fly a ground support role on the red side.

In RL you guys are great dudes and  do awesome things, didn't mean to offend anyone.

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Many years ago i did some work on paratroopers i set them up as ClusterBomb's with a small dispersion area and small warheads so they killed anything small nearby . It worked very well dropping them from helicopters and transport planes.. 

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OK, found the print screens of it, happened last year.











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you're infantry (and other AFVs) should NOT have and Air_and_Ground targeting statement in their data inis, unless, like a tank/APC/etc, you have a co-ax MG that was designed for that


When we were building the original DS mod in 08, we found that setting that statement OVERIDES any and all ground targeting. Meaning: vehicles engaged with each other will stop firing, and start shooting at aircraft (you or enemy CAS birds), to the detriment of the mission.


Now, OTH, if within the data ini, you have a "solider" with a dedicated MANPADS, you might be able to change the statement for that weapon only. Unfortunately, that removes the squadmate that should be operating the anti-tank missiles.

The purpose of CAS mission is to destroy enemy armor (ok, in this case Infantry, as they are classed as a TANK), not enemy aircraft

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Kevin, what ever happened to the Vietcong with the "R"-rated dialogue? :biggrin:

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Didn't Dave delete them?? (it's a family site and all)


Be nice to have them back!! :biggrin:

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Didn't Dave delete them?? (it's a family site and all)


Be nice to have them back!! :biggrin:


If Dave deleted them, trust me, it had little to do with it being a family site.  The more likely scenario is that he deleted them because he kept getting shot down by them, as he was undoubtedly flying low enough to hear their battle cry.   As you well know, it's hard to maintain control when one is too busy laughing rofl.gif.pagespeed.ce.ZE_kxArrNL.gif


Or maybe, it was simply because Dave had problems channeling his inner "Roach" when confronting them.


Edited by Fubar512

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LMAO I never knew there was Vietcong with R rated diagalogue!

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