Nasams SAM system launcher
JuanchoGomez, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
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I decided to make a post so I can put all my work in one place I hope you okay with that.
Okay here is the update of the M978/M977 HEMTT more detail will be added but this is how it looks so far.
By obin91
Hi everyone
I'm downloaded few weeks ago the socotra terrain but I have a little issue about sam systems. All Static sam site ( execpt SA-5) explodes when they're firing.
Anyone has the same issue ?
By angelp
View File HQ-9 Self Propelled Air Defence System
HQ-9 Self Propelled Air Defence System
The FD-2000/HQ-9 was developed to provide a long range SAM capability, distinct from the medium range capabilities of the HQ-12/KS-1 series. The FT-2000 is a derivative which is fitted with an anti-radiation seeker and intended for engagements against AEW&C/AWACS and stand-off jamming aircraft.
The HQ-9 is supported by the HT-233 phased array engagement radar, like the H-200 modelled on the MPQ-53 and 30N6E designs, carried on a Taian TAS5501 series 10 x 10 high mobility vehicle, common to the HQ-9 TEL and similar in design to the S-400's BAZ-6900 series vehicle. Chinese sources claim C-band operation with 300 MHz receiver/antenna bandwidth, detection and tracking range of 150/100 km, and monopulse angle tracking to resist jamming. The design bears considerable similarity to the 30N6E series, especially in the antenna design.
Recently disclosed imagery shows the use of the self-propelled Type 305A, Type 305B and Type 120 radars as the battery acquisition radar component. The designation FD-2000 is for export configurations of the HQ-9.
Put the content of the objects/ folder in your mod folder.
Crédits :
3d Model, textures, INI files: angelp
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware, and is only allowed to be available here in Combat Ace
Released under Combat Ace Fair-Use terms
Submitter angelp Submitted 12/05/2021 Category Ground Object Mods
By angelp
HQ-9 Self Propelled Air Defence System
The FD-2000/HQ-9 was developed to provide a long range SAM capability, distinct from the medium range capabilities of the HQ-12/KS-1 series. The FT-2000 is a derivative which is fitted with an anti-radiation seeker and intended for engagements against AEW&C/AWACS and stand-off jamming aircraft.
The HQ-9 is supported by the HT-233 phased array engagement radar, like the H-200 modelled on the MPQ-53 and 30N6E designs, carried on a Taian TAS5501 series 10 x 10 high mobility vehicle, common to the HQ-9 TEL and similar in design to the S-400's BAZ-6900 series vehicle. Chinese sources claim C-band operation with 300 MHz receiver/antenna bandwidth, detection and tracking range of 150/100 km, and monopulse angle tracking to resist jamming. The design bears considerable similarity to the 30N6E series, especially in the antenna design.
Recently disclosed imagery shows the use of the self-propelled Type 305A, Type 305B and Type 120 radars as the battery acquisition radar component. The designation FD-2000 is for export configurations of the HQ-9.
Put the content of the objects/ folder in your mod folder.
Crédits :
3d Model, textures, INI files: angelp
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware, and is only allowed to be available here in Combat Ace
Released under Combat Ace Fair-Use terms
By angelp
View File Buk M2E SAM system
Buk M2E Surface to Air missile system
The Buk missile system is a family of self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile systems developed by the Soviet Union and its successor state, the Russian Federation, and designed to counter cruise missiles, smart bombs, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles
The Buk system was created as a replacement of the 9k12 Kub in the air defenses forces of the Soviet Union and succesor states. A typical batallion consist of a command vehicle, a target acquisition radar vehicle and 6 TELAR vehicles, with three TELs.
The M2E variant uses the 6x6 MZKT-6922 wheeled vehicle, in order to produce a hight road mobility and low operating cost variant of the system.
The pack contains the 9K317E Buk M2E / MZKT-6922 TELAR and the 9S18M1E Snow Drift acquisition Radar mounted on a MZKT-6922 trnasport.
Finally, this pack is still a BETA, need some fine tunning inthe missile and system performance and other vehicles asociated with the system like the command post and the low level radar. Is released for the CA community to have a modern variant of the Buk missile to play with.
Put the content of the objects/ folder in your mod folder.
Crédits :
3d Model, textures, INI files: angelp
This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware, and is only allowed to be available here in Combat Ace
Released under Combat Ace Fair-Use terms
Submitter angelp Submitted 12/04/2021 Category Ground Object Mods