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post-2160-0-96990700-1415647085_thumb.jpgWith 250 collegues I have been taken on as a volunteer guide & museum  teacher in our new National Military Museum, which will be opened by (AFAIK) His Majesty King Willem Alexander on december 11th.

The former Soesterberg Airbase (and home of the 32 th Wolfhounds USAFE) has been turned into a huge landscape park with much of the base being left intact , including the main rwy, taxiways and lots of dispersals and shelter areas. It is a very historic place dating back to 1913 that was extended to a huge complex by the Germans in WW II (lots of traces to be found)......The secondary runway has been turned into a gras strip and  is used for gliding.  Combining the former Army Museum and the Air Force Museum (including Naval Aviation), a huge 3.760.000 sq ft building topped off by an 150ft tower -overlooking the whole base - and a depot have been constructed on the site where the hangars used to be. There is an outdoor tank - and vehicle area as well as a quite area around the Airforce Monument. An original building dating back to 1913 as well as a hangar from 1929 are still there..... .There will be lots of reënactment activities as well as demonstrations of equipment including AFV's 

The former 32Sq area has been taken into use by the Ministry of Defence. and is still named Camp New Amsterdam (so you'll still feel at home Veltro !!)

Though  quite some stuff from the former musea is not permanently displayed, the overall result is absolutely awesome..... If you visit the Netherlands I'll be more than happy to give you guys a Royal Tour .......



Edited by Derk
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I'll definetely go there in 2015.



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I need to add it to my list of European Air museums I need to visits. 

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Looks nice!

Now if you could do something about shrinking the Atlantic so it's not so far away, I'm not keen on airplane trips over 3 hours...

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Re activate a Concorde Jedi....  :bye:

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I'm not keen on that either! Concorde was like "do you find most jets too small? Well here's Concorde, it's smaller!"

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So, what about a lil' trip aboard the Tu-144 instead ?  :biggrin:


You got many choices : like Business Politbyuro class








...or crew retractil one




And smurfs-scale emergency exit as a bonus



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Like a '60's vintage holiday home,,, 

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