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SF2 NorthAtlantic "Top Gun" Themed Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

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SF2 NorthAtlantic "Top Gun" Themed Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music!

SF2 NorthAtlantic "Top Gun" Themed Hi-Res 1920x1080 Menu Screens and Music v7
By Viper 05/17/2020

Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.

I've seen some very nice screens in 1920x1080 mode, so I thought I'd give it try. So here is my "Top Gun" contribution! Special thanks to Homefies and Spectre8750 for their contributions that led me here...

This mod includes custom "Top Gun" themed menu screens, pilots and music. I used the MENU INI files to reuse the music files for different menus. This reduces the size of the package as I don't have duplicates of the same music files for different menus. You should unzip the file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are MANY alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.

If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.

To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.

My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...

C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 NorthAtlantic\



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Excellent work, Viper! I installed it in me SF2NA and it works fine.

Now I feel I have a new sim! hahaha.  :biggrin:

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