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DCS World 2 - NTTR & F-15C

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Agree! a must have. Like your sig change btw. :biggrin:

4;24 looks nice!

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My sig? Thanks!


It does look awesome really, the sun effects on the ramp is one of things that sold me, looks real as hell.

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Must say the DCS 2.0 gfx engine is really up to it, looks incredibly nice. I can imagine that the 3rd party terrain market will see a lot of development, because unlike the 3rd party aircraft market you don't need to be an aerospace engineer, you just need to put in a lot of time fleshing out the area. Wonder what the satmap and heightmap resolution is, it looks to be pretty darn good in anycase, esp. heightmap.

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WHOA! Looks freakin outstanding.

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Yeah, this looks so great, I'm just worn out now waiting for it. :sad:

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In two years right?  Yeah unless it redefines simming I may look into it, but overall things have to REALLY change for me to be interested.  I keep SF2 on my HD to help out people but overall I'm kinda stuck in an Arma 3 fix for now.

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Also, how hard will it be to make terrains?  If it's insanely difficult, there may not be a proliferation of such.  I hope there is a happy medium somewhere.



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Amen to that, Nevada has been discussed for years.  Arma 3 mapmakers take on average a month or more and they're very good quality maps indeed.  Granted yes, the scale is totally different from what we're used to in DCS but overall if it takes this long to get a map I'll be able to legally retire when another map rolls out.

Edited by EricJ

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Amen to that, Nevada has been discussed for years.  Arma 3 mapmakers take on average a month or more and they're very good quality maps indeed.  Granted yes, the scale is totally different from what we're used to in DCS but overall if it takes this long to get a map I'll be able to legally retire when another map rolls out.



Maps should start moving faster once they have gotten the creation tools and how to merge them with DCS World down, I think the complexity is much greater than Arma 3, but certainly we arent going to see 3-4 year delays on maps, unless they decide to redo the engine with each new map... 


It really doesnt make much sense to judge development time of a map based on what we are going through right now.

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Given back then to now?  No sorry, you're not going to convince me otherwise.  That's just fact man, it's been around for a lot longer before you showed up on the ED team that's for sure.  If you check my profile on the ED forums you'll see my join date as Nov 2004 (when i was in Iraq and the boards moved from Ubi's to the current iteration) so no man, while I understand the development cycle before I disappeared a few years ago doesn't change my opinion.

Edited by EricJ

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Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course... nothing really exists from when you were a Tester, the Nevada map was re-rebuilt just a couple years ago, but anyways, I am not trying to convince you of anything, just stating my opinion. Everyone gets to believe what they like. 

Edited by SiThSpAwN

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Yep and still it took years to finish. Thanks for your insight though, I'm sure it'll be appreciated somewhere else.

Edited by EricJ

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Yep and still it took years to finish. Thanks for your insight though, I'm sure it'll be appreciated somewhere else.


Sorry for having a differing opinion from yours, I'll try to be better in the future...

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Thank you.

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