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slick cowboy

new videocard recommendation?

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The fan on my videocard is acting weird and noisy. I cleaned the fan, but it's still getting noisy when gaming.

It's rattling noise... The card is getting old and replacing the fan is not worth it. It's an ASUS card with a Nvidia chip GTX550.


I'd rather get a new instead of wasting time fixing this.


Does anybody have recommendations? Good or bad experiences? Do I stick with Nvidia or is there better?

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Gaming wise I use a gtx980

for sf2 etc a 7950 3gb..(pc im on now)

depends what othe stuff u plan to run and ur expenditure

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yeah been thinking about the gtx980 or 970

but either way buying a new card will probably also mean buying a new psu :-(

the older psu don't seem to cut it anymore with the newer cards

my current one is max 300W

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Maybe think about a nice (and quiet) upgrade to water cooling?
Me likey a lot!

Edited by Muesli

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I have a GTX 770 and its runs everything I throw at it like a champ. 

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