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A pilot who knows well F-15, F-16, and Mig-29

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Lt. Col. Fred "Spanky" Clifton gives us detailed informations about the performance of these fighters. And his opinion on the current situation of the air forces.


(The first half is on his training, some might find it boring  ........) (Excuse me Lt. Col. Fred Clifton :grin:).



Edited by Rexor

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So, basically you had already posted this article ...................... I couldn't know.


Yeah, he had slightly changed his opinion about the F-35.


Since different features, mainly avionics, of F-22 and F-35 are still classified, perhaps not even he can have an accurate understanding of the situation.

(I also have the impression that the F-35 is really a trap in close dogfight).

Edited by Rexor

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