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Invert part using fakepilot?

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I've been trying to add a radome to a helicopter using the fakepilot method, and was wondering if it was possible to invert the orientation of the part, so that the radome points downward instead of upward like it does now.

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if only I had 3ds Max 09 to do so.  :/

Edited by shomu1

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sooo  this is a second seoerate model you are trying to add on via Fake pilot or a piece attached to the original helo model?

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It's a second separate model that I'm trying to add on using Fakepilot.

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Any chance for more details of this mystery?

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Indeed. We can't help if we don't know what trying to be accomplished

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Sorry for the late reply, I was out of the house all day yesterday.


I've been trying to make the A-Team SH-60B model look a little bit more true to life by adding the SPS-124 antenna to the bottom of the helo.


As I don't have a properly modeled SPS-124 antenna on hand (and lack the ability to create one due to not having a copy of 3dsMax 09), I looked through my "pilots" folder and found a part called "dome2" which looks close enough, so I added it to the helo using fakepilot.


Unfortunately, it seems that the dome is set up to point upwards where I need it to point downwards.  So, I was wondering if it's possible to change the orientation of the dome when calling it in the SH-60's data file so it points downwards like I want.

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there's no position statements that will allow flipping the part.. it has to have been built that way

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Well could be a far fetched idea....


Make a copy of the dome (can even rename the folder itself to SPS124 or such) and put it in the weapons folder. Create the data.ini for it as any of the jammer or targeting pods and set a SpecificStationCode= value - could be sps124 (make sure the ini and data.ini name matches the folder name).


In the aircraft data.ini add a new weapon station numbering it in sequence after the currently existing last station. Here also set the same SpecificStationCode= as you have for the dome.

Set it with StationGroupID=7 - this way will be always loaded and controlled by the "loadout.ini"

and adjust the AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 value so matches your needs, most likely would look this 0.0,180.0,0.0.


In your loadout.ini 

add the new weapon station and load it with the dome - or the name you applied.

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