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Time to kick ass - South Korean style

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Awesome stuff!


For some reason I always envisioned the South Korean military as ... not like this.


I remember seeing some explosions at an airshow once ... the heat, the sound, the size, the heat.

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Was that an exercise or a party with one hell of a fireworks display? Fantastic firing range with an amazing group of air and land forces operating concurrently.

Seeing the old F-4, F-5, and AH-1 operational takes me back at least 30 years.

"Impressive" is an understatement for this exercise and the video.

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There was some artillery back and forth with civilian casualties between the North some days ago. It is like.. maybe the Mediterranean? Real armed conflict doesn't happen but constant tension.

A few years ago it was a similar incident. Heard it not through the news but ethnic Korea delivery guy: "The war is on! :blink: "

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