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Hi guys I need some help.


Yesterday was everything ok and i have worked on the Fitter, today I have fired up the PC, got a coffee and stared at an empty space on my desktop. There was the icon for 3D max. I couldn`t find max on my HDD, even the registry was emtpy except of some fragments.


I have used CCleaner to whipe out the last remaining, deleted some manualy, cause the install program of Max told me, I still have it installed. But not. After thre regcleaning, I was able to set the setup properly ... but, as the installation should start, the Installer of max tells me:


Installation failed


So I tried another source, there was the problem message, that my windows installer doesnt want to start. So Enoc send me a command I should try:


Sfc /scannow


But even that doesnt start.


I went to the Microsoft site and wanted to download the Installer manualy, I have the files and wanted to start installing it .. I recieve the message "out of memory" But that cant be, I have 16GB RAM and lots of free space on my HDD`s

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Versuch mal ne Systemwiederherstellung. Bei meinem ollen XP hat das meistens ganz gut funktioniert.


Sorry, that the answer is not in english.

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Restoring the system isnt so easy if you have no back up :-p Its a long story short and at the end stupid.


After I have checked the settings of the windows installer, that fucker was "dissabled" But from who and when?! Max is now reinstalled, first installation told me about an error on the regedit section .... so i tried the second source for installation ... just for nuts and it worked. Will investigate it ...


Damn what a day

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Windows 10 mysteries, I got also similar problems with some of my software installations most part them seems related to incorrect values in the registry not problematic for the previous Windows installer

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Strangest day ever, Max dissapeared overnight ... win installer dissabled itself and the new exported LOD of the 17 has all shadow bugs fixed ... wtf happen

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Oh man, this doesn't seem right at all.  How about an antivirus/anti-malware scan?  It's like someone is remotely controlling your PC, and was kind enough to fix the LOD before uninstalling 3D Max.  Jokes aside, is your 3d Max properly registered?  I have heard that Microsoft can disable counterfeit programs or ones which probably were not activated properly (due to some errors in the system registry), but IIRC this only applies to software available at the Windows Store, so it is not your case.


Sometimes, it depends on the rather old software; my DAEMON Tools Lite (although the version I have is Win10 compatible) keeps asking me for a correct activation of the free license on my system, it's like it doesn't recognize my system or the Win10 key (I did upgrade from my preinstalled Win7 to Win10). 

Anyway Win10 has serious issues, and the recent updates for Win7 and Win8 brought the very same issues with them, I have heard. Glad that you solved the problem, though, but indeed it's a mystery, the guys at Microsoft like making such 'games'.

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Speaking of 3ds issues, I had one the other day. The program is installed correclty on this machine by about a year and suddently it ask me registration key. It sounded strange from the start, but I tried again and gave the activation code... No way. After that it tell me that the program can't do the activation and a windows show me that I don't have the clearance to write the registry key. Something is wrong with Windows lately.

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that's one reason Im sticking with Win 7

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Agreed. Upgrade for sake of it, Win10 isnt enough. But Win10 isnt so bad (like say win8) that i will avoid it when hopefully i get a new comp next year.

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I have upgraded some month ago my hardware, have not reinstalled windows .. just changed the drivers and some old HDD`s were switched of. All worked fine, just some details fellt like a fixed by ductape. Now i had the result, but the its working now. Im happy about it.

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