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I'm currently trying to update the Phantoms cockpits. With an emphasis on rear area of the pit. I've been unable to get the Mk-7 seat in the pit? I've tried many open cockpit=true settings but have been unsuccessful. Also I think it's been mention but how do you hide certain nodes such as canopy frame? 



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To hide a node from the cockpit view (most of the time when "opencockpit=true" is used in the cockpit.ini files)


In the data.ini of the aircraft




"Hide" is just a name, sometimes I use Hide1, Hide2, ... for several nodes
xxx is the next number in sequence
"ParentComponentName" is the part of the model (should be in the component[xxx] list) that contains the node you want to hide.
"ModelNodeName" is the actual name of the node you want to hide
To make a node visible when the parentcomponent is not visible, it's the same with ShowFromCockpit=TRUE
Somthing like that...
Edited by Cliff7600

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i'm not a all understanding what is trying to be accomplished here...


if you're simply swapping out the seats (like say, replacing the stock one with ravenclaw's Martin-Baker) that's a simple text edit of the data ini.


if you're trying to activate the RIO position, the cockpit has to have been built that way from the start in MAX. AFAIK, you can't do it with ini edits.


Aren't there already hi-res cockpit repaints? Check the SF1 downloads sections for those -- but all may not work in SF2 for all the available Rhino versions.


I absolutely would NOT use "open cockpit" setting on this bird. Just LOOK at the airframe, and how relation of where the pilot/rio sit.


If you're trying to hide a node, you can also do so from inside the cockpit ini, depending on position -- which as I see them from the above screenies, is WAY off (and don't use the shift/f5 view to check things, that's all sorts for screwed up, as it sits >1 meter above the aircraft)


A lot more clarity on what is being attempted is required here!

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Pardon for my apparent ignorance Wrench. I shall try to be more clear. What I want is for Ravenclaw's Mk-7 external seat to be visible within the cockpit. While I do know there is hi-res repaints I want the feeling that there is the huge phantom around you, as many pilots describe it like having a huge beast behind you. I guess that I want to better blent external with internal. I hope I've become more clear. 

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ok, that more understandable!


I don't think you can "turn your head far enough" to see the seat, in the stock cockpit ini. But that's easily tweeked


MaxYaw=152          <------
MinYaw=-152          <------


the yaw angles would be the ones

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Oh well now I have to make myself more clear sorry! Haha I'm well aware of yaw angles as you can tell by my top picture I am looking back at an 180 degree angle. When I set open cockpit Ravenclaws Seat does not become visible within the pit. 

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it won't, as it's not part of the airframe.


open cockpit should never be used on the Rhino -- the restriction of vision is a VERY well known fact of life on the F-4s (one of the reasons there's so many and so large rear view mirrors).

It should only be used on such things as bombers or transports, and only when the internal structure of the aircraft (meaning those parts of the lod are skinned and painted --and most ain't) would be "visible". Best example would be the cockpit tweeking I did for the B-66 Destroyer; used open cockpit, and a myriad of removals to show the external framing (and even then, it's far from perfect).

This is completely unnecessary on the Phantom.

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But even for my future reference how does one make the seat visible in the pit? Like for instance I know how someone adds a co-pilot like in the A-6, but I wish to add the seat. 

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Obviously,you need the mk7 fseat in its folder in pilots folder....under Objects\Pilots  folder...


MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 1.90,-0.11
MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 2.84, 1.07





Edited by russouk2004

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Please pardon me if I am seeming very unclear. But I want the external seat to be visible while in the cockpit. For instance so it looks like this


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I can be wrong, but the game not allows you to see that. Any external mesh that are not part of the aircraft or the cockpit lods will be hidden if you try to look at it from inside. that is why any fakepilot objects (IRST, refuel probe, seats, etc) are not visible from the cockpit either. You will see it on an external view, but never from inside the pit as far as I experienced it.

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It can be done, but there's a clipping issue




As it's not clear to me what the position of pilots/seats are (I've edited mines),

can you show the Pilot and Copilot positions and seats positions from the data.ini file ?

(can you copy/paste the pilot and copilot part ?)


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