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Large Meteor Explodes over South Atlantic, with 13 KT blast

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Imagine it headed to a metro city or major town. What would be used to shoot it down? patriot or F-16;15? or Aegis cruiser

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Imagine it headed to a metro city or major town. What would be used to shoot it down? patriot or F-16;15? or Aegis cruiser

To quote from the article: "‘Had it happened over a populated area it, would’ve rattled some windows and probably terrified a lot of people, but I don’t think it would’ve done any real damage."


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Imagine it headed to a metro city or major town.

Buenos Aires flattened by a meteor? Mmm, already seen in "Starship Troopers"...

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i think they should remake the Starship Troopers movie.

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*!@ !!! 

missed again!!



I agree on ST -- but this time DO IT RIGHT!!

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