+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 15, 2016 Also due to her harassment I have removed all my Steam submissions. People if you cannot get laid, buy the appropriate sex toy and get off that way. I broke up with her seven years ago, and she has since been married but feels like she can manipulate my life so she can have sex with me. Seriously I will prefer that the Armaholic and PWS files be kept. If she had moved on seven years ago, I would not be posting this drama. But here is her FB profile and you can see who she is: on.fb.me/1IbDYn6 She cannot take No for an answer for seven years. And me leaving the community only shows that her desires interfere with the fact I cannot focus on providing mods for the community. She only cares for sex and she screwed me over nine years ago and cannot move on from her failure that she did me wrong in the first place. Again I hate drama but it has gotten to this point. I will not do any modding ever until she is arrested. It is sad that one woman cannot just take responsibility for her failure and thinks that screwing my life up only makes me want her more. Yet I am leaving the modding scene completely as she has become more of a problem than anything else, and she fucked the community on this deal. I cannot understand that she can't handle rejection after nine years. Goes to show you how insane one woman over sex can be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 17, 2016 Okay... Apparently shit is just really weird. Apparently I've been accused of robbing a bank in Texas on Mother's Day and killing two. Thankfully I'm not that man (not sure how it was construed that way but okay.... ) and I am a War Criminal, which thankfully I am not. I mean you can't get referenced for doing such misdeeds, so my record is clear and hopefully things will move on in life. So tomorrow if things stay calm I'll put stuff back up. Again I apologize for this but i guess the person mentioned felt she was the best person to find out something that thankfully didn't happen in both cases. That is all for now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 17, 2016 Uh-60: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667709746 EricJ Weapons Pack: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667711976 ADuke's UH-1Y: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667728800 EricJ Wipeout Skins: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667732385 EricJ Helo Skins: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667740415 Blue Angels Skins for John_Spartan's F/A-18 Super Hornet http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667736774 Back up, sorry for the drama. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 19, 2016 Taliban Units on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=668919514 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 20, 2016 Okay I think I figured out the issue with the AI not going into the gunner's spots (M2, M134) so this may fix it: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtVDhRdnVMc0RwOFE/view?usp=sharing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RC5- Tweaked config so that AI should enter the gun positions (M2, M134) when entering the helicopter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 21, 2016 Also for the gun side (so I don't forget): - Walther P99 renamed to Walther P99 (Black). - Walther P99 can mount the SureFire series of silencers now (totally forgot about that in previous versions). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 22, 2016 Also an alibi post. Was working with ggrotor on ACE3 compatibility with the UH-1Y. If I coded it right (somebody could check as well?) and eventually with the UH-60s (all Insertion versions, or even ones with some cargo spots). So if that works then cool, if not any reporting would be very nice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 22, 2016 Some basic Walther P99 work: And a basic Raven PMC texture, I may add the company name or leave the insignia: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 24, 2016 Okay figured out the issue, as apparently the config determined the "order" of them getting in, and now they actually get in the door gun slots automatically. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtZ2tiTThIS3ltcW8/view?usp=sharing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AD UH-1Y RC6- Fixed: AI now enter door gun slots automatically- Added two magazines for the M2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted April 27, 2016 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtZ0FBdGtVa1VLUFE/view?usp=sharing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EricJ Weapons Pack RC82 - Walther P99 has a black texture (given new Hiddenselections assignments from BIS)- Requires game version 1.58- Walther P99 can mount the 9mm Surefire suppressors. It should be noted that the model is a BIS model and therefore that is the only thing I can change.- Raven PMC units have a specific textured Walther P99- Raven LMG now has a pistol (was missing though ammunition was there).- Barrett M468 is textured (still WIP). Stuff: DCS: - Need to get back on working on work for that. Probably tomorrow or so. Weapons Pack: - Again not too much. If somebody can work on the Barrett M468 texture I'd appreciate it. UH-60s. - After some soul-searching with Franze's AH-64 I'm going to drop mine and let gaming units go with that one. NO sense in stepping on better work anyway. - Working on a futuristic M2 .50 for the XX-92s, based on this design: http://ericj562.deviantart.com/art/C16-Machine-Gun-404968973. Unlike that design it'll be a caseless and not a railgun system. I need to talk to ADuke about using the barrel at least. It's actually setup and sized and ready to be mounted, just need to do so. KIowa: - Once Sig [usmc] hands over the files for it, I'll at least push out the basic, unarmed version and get working on weapon loads and such. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 4, 2016 Been taking a "vacation" of sorts and just been playing games, and not so much interested in modding. I think however next week (or sooner, who knows) I need to get hot on the UH-60 stuff that I've been putting off, just not feeling it yet. Weapons Pack: - Nothing planned UH-60 - Futuristic M2s for the XX-92s - MFD updates and capbilities UH-1Y - Nothing planned. A few people have contacted me about more versions, and quite frankly there is no plans on doing anything other than updating it. I'm sure ADuke823 may not mind, but really, I have no intention of doing anything more with it. Kiowa: - Again once it's handed over I'll get on it. Other than that the first priority is to get it out and work on more versions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 6, 2016 Oh yeah a PSA regarding my current tag on Steam: EricJ [62nd MarRgt] This time it is a very much real tag, and not to be construed as a "fake" tag that my "[TF Black]" tag was, so yes people this is the unit I'm in: http://62ndmarines.gamerlaunch.com/index.php?gid=515474&sid=2e774209e97bce48d291b3edb03a4361&sso=1462505784 While it is very much Star Citizen oriented it should be reminded that I'm "taken" and not making shit up this time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 10, 2016 Meh.... been burning daylight with The Division. I personally don't go for third-person shooters but this one is quite addictive I'll admit. Anyway a Black AH-99 (going to subdue the stickers quite a bit): I plan on doing a couple more, a more realistic color for the Blackfoot, a US Army basic scheme as well as a USMC version as well. Talked to eggbeast as far as the Kiowa goes, and once sig [usmc] takes care of some personal business I'll get a status on the Kiowa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 11, 2016 Adjusted Black version: And US Army version: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 11, 2016 Mapping for this helicopter can be best described as "WTF" in all honesty, but it's coming along: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 12, 2016 Current progress of the USMC version. I'll see if I can get MARINES to work but I'm not having much hope, the WTF method leaves little to hope for: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 12, 2016 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtdzFLOG9HRkxNbmM/view?usp=sharing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EricJ Helo Skins RC4 - Added three new skins for the AH-99, Black, US Army, and USMC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 13, 2016 My advice, never piss off a Scorpio... just sayin' Anyway. working on some more skins for the AH-99, digital pattern courtesy of SkateZilla: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 13, 2016 Lightening it up a bit: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted May 21, 2016 Oookay... Yes I've been dealing with Karen again. Apparently it's not so much about stalking but about Revenge. She's been on the trail for about 20 or so years after I supposedly killed her brother, or some such thing. So she's not riding my ass to "be in love with me" but to seriously murder me. Yeah, I was nine or 14 years old so somehow I managed to escape the notice of my parents and have a trip to Syria (where supposedly her brother died, or something like that). So I'm not sure how I got mixed up in this crazy, weird, and bizarre mixup and one reason I've been silent. Again I really try and keep my personal life away from my "business" side but I haven't forgotten about things, just that is of course a serious matter, so if somebody in the real SEAL or knows some SEALs would you mind PMing me on a search for her lost brother? She apparently believes I am "him" and "hiding in plain sight". Um, no, I have never done any special forces training, nor have I been to assigned to any special forces units, and that's just a fact. Once this BS gets settled I'll get back to it, but enjoying The Division a bit but once I can put this rather bizarre mixup to rest I'll be back on it, shortly I hope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted June 13, 2016 Status update: Still haven't figured out what is up with the sounds. Other than being accused of being a vicious criminal underworld kingpin, I packed it and getting some weird errors with the p3ds and Addon Builder. So when I figure out what is wrong with the soundset (looks all correct) issue I can get a version uploaded at least for the gun pack. I've started to slide away from binge playing The Division and getting back into the mix, slowly but surely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted June 27, 2016 A couple things: - Given I've been more focused on dodging bullshit accusations of being a super spy, some people on Steam have complained about the visible laser that has shown up. I don't know how I managed to automagically implement that into my gun pack. I can only assume that it was added to either CBA or a game update/bug. I have looked at that as another gimmick to add to my pack. I have looked at the topic and seen that it can be done, and did not implement it and "forgot to mention it". Sometimes I do have alibis but I know for a fact that I did not incorporate it into the mod, or any mods of mine. Again that was months ago and just didn't get around to implementing it. So why people are coming to me complaining about it I don't know, but I had no desire to implement it given that it wasn't in my opinion mature enough to implement. - Still having issues with Addon Builder, so what you have is what you get until I can reliably pack a PBO and doesn't crash the game automatically when I select a weapon, etc. So right now until that works to my satisfaction there will be no work on the mod. I also checked the paths to the weapons with issues and nothing stands out that I messed up anything. So when I can get that working again I'll get it out ASAP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted August 18, 2016 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmteVlodkQ5MTdiamM/view?usp=sharing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RC84- Fixed the SF45 3rd person model, now sits correctly on the barrel when mounted- Bulldogs now have Suppressor capability. - Added MCR-S Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted August 18, 2016 (edited) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtZzJNUmFGTHptX3M/view?usp=sharing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UH-60 RC23- Wheels now function in both Standard and AFM settings, with extensive config help from Beachead from the 17BCT milsum unit. People use the Ghost Hawk xml and if it still does not work I'll upload with the GhostHawk version to get things rolling so to speak.- MH-80 now has a pilot HUD and programmable countermeasures system.- Civilian S-94s all have white wheels- Removed the "no entry.config.bin/Burst" message when placing the Raven PMC version via Zeus.- Fixed the various -60 models, no more floating dials when flying (Exception being the -60L, needs some more TLC) For the Future: Gun Pack - Been trying to kill a "no entry config.bin\Muzzleflash issue. - More versions of the Titan-D, mainly camo versions with the new Apex DLC. - I have tried to implement a "G28" based on the BIS SPAR-17, but so far no luck for some reason. When I get more results I'll post more info. UH-60 - ACE3 repair menu implementation. Since I don't use the mod I need to take some time and work the coding so if you have ACE3 you can repair my helos, etc. - Other things such as an ESSS UH-92 - Any other things. Kiowas: - Haven't forgotten, as it seems like my investigation into my supposed nefarious life will hopefully go away. - Once I get the heads up from Shockley and able to make a small mod, get out at least the basic unarmed scout version. Armed versions later on. Edited August 18, 2016 by EricJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted August 19, 2016 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtcWpvYkEwUzdVbVk/view?usp=sharing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RC84.2- Bulldogs now have proper inventory icons when equipping a suppressor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites