+EricJ 4,335 Posted August 30, 2016 Continued work on the riveting of the AH-96. More than likely given that the Samples models has only ASRAAMs (which was never adopted) available to actually include, I'll have to use those instead, even though they're technically not correct (Falchion-22s would be more exact) but as such I'm hoping for an end of the week release, maybe Sunday/Mondayish. Also I found some old stuff from a Black Shark 2 skin I did and added (so far) an HMLA-167 fictional squadron. What I may do is have a USMC, and a generic US Army skin, and then have various other units or such added as time goes along, therefore there will be some sort of generic look and then players can select various skins, etc. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted August 30, 2016 Speaking of unsure... in between with dealing with the dumbest tool on the planet, managed to get most of the fuselage re-riveted so it's coming along. Along with the USMC and US Army versions, I have also gone with a "NATO" version scheme: What I do plan on doing is making this one Metric (I still need to do a UH-60 and -92 in Metric...), so when I grab the relevant HUD code I'll make it as such. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 1, 2016 Starting on some basic weathering for the AH-96. The USMC versions will get the heavier set of weathering as well as the Army and NATO version, to show a bit less wear and tear: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 1, 2016 Tweaked the Green duct fans so they look correct: And more USMC weathering. I jacked the shark mouth from a skin I did for DCS BS2 on the nose: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 2, 2016 Added the rails for the ASRAAMs (when they decide to show up): As well as cockpit retexturing: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 2, 2016 Current skin progress: Current AH-96 issues:- Some reason the ASRAAMs don't show properly, even with the Sample Models proxies. May look into creating some kind o' missile to make it work, even though it should... - M197 barrels don't rotate and for some reason doesn't move with the gun. Otherwise gun and FLIR ball moves properly As well as adjusting the Medevac UH-92: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 2, 2016 And finally got the Cherokee Supply Container fully able to be lifted: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 2, 2016 And at the minimum a Ghost Hawk can lift them as well: I'm hoping to do basic Supply (shown), Repair, Medical, and of course a Fuel container given the low weight compared to the Huron containers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 2, 2016 And a cheap starting Fuel container: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 3, 2016 Worked on the texture a bit (looks much better...). I managed to code a repair container as well (haven't tested it as of yet though) but overall the "look" of the military containers: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 3, 2016 Current lineup of cargo containers. The blue, Green,and Tan came with the original download so I included them. When dropped via Zeus they essentially are supply crates to a degree. The Fuel and Repair containers have ToolKits (BIS) included and the Supply Containers can be setup for various unit specific mods and equipment, etc. Much like the Supply crates. Given the basic geometry (it lierally is a rectangle, with some small rectangles for sling points, etc) I will down the line put more detail into it, so it's not just texture: As well as more AH-96 Coyote cockpit tweaking texture-wise: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 4, 2016 (edited) Okay so far no luck with the Repair Container, but it's in game at least... Need to add the Repair functions from ACE. I may push for Monday or even tomorrow, but given the issues with the AH-96 (barrels no rotate, no muzzleflash, and ASRAAMs somehow not appearing correctly) I may as well get the AH-96 out to get more feedback as right now honestly those are the only Major Issues that it has (and more tweaking on the textures down the road. On the gun front I tweaked some alpha channels on the 3D ACOGs, changing an RVMAT so when during various lighting conditions you can see shit, which at some angles you obviously cant. It's better though, which is good. As far as the containers go, I've been pondering making it a standalone mod for various milsim units, so instead of always having to use a Huron you can use something else to lift gear. If there's interest after the helo release I will do so. Edited September 4, 2016 by EricJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 4, 2016 On a whim found out that even a Hellcat can lift these: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 4, 2016 Okay talked with the ACE3 team and so far it seems that the hitpoints reflect the ability to repair so given I use vanilla hitpoint designations it should repair fine, I guess with AFM it fixes wheels too but really not so much a priority given I want to get it out given some glaring problemes with the other birds that needed to be addressed. Right now I can upload "as is" and get some leeway with the AH-96. Other than some obvious things (barrels don't rotate, no muzzleflash, as well as glitched missiles as far as proxies). Other than that it's pretty much still WIP and will hopefully get some more feedback on it for a later version. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtSjlDeG5qcFgtS0k/view?usp=sharing ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UH-60 Pack RC24- Fixed Shadow LOD of the M197/DAGR MH-60S.- Added an "MH-67", and other than being a reskin, has the typical SOAR equipment that can be found on the MH-80.- Tweaked various geometries on the -60 models.- Fixed mapping issues on the M230 Chain gun on all models.- Added another variant of the UH-92, the UH-92 MEV, which is equivalent to the H-60 version. It of course supports ACE3 Medical operations.- Moved the UH-92 and MEV to the US Army faction (will show up in Eden as such).- Fixed the shadows for the ESSS equipped H-60s.- Added an "AH-96 Coyote", which is a ducted fan version of today's AH-1Z Super Cobra, it is available for the USMC, US Army, and the NATO faction (Metric HUD as well).- Darkened Rattler seeker heads.- DAGRs fire from the correct positions on the wings for the MH-92 DAPs.- Fixed XX-92 series Formation light strips.- Fixed various file paths for textures.- Fixed MH-92 DAP (M230/DAGR/Rattler) action menu, now has same (other than no door controls) menu systems as the other -92 series.- MH-92 DAP (M230/DAGR/HF) changed to MH-92 DAP (M230/DAGR/Rattler), classname is the same- Added a non ESSS equipped Medevac UH-60.- Tweaked roll rates on the XX-92 series, as well as the S-94s.- Cleaned up UH-60L cockpit, instruments look correct on the frame as well as fixed various needles, improving the look slightly.- FIxed a missing leg on the door gunner seats on the XX-92 military/PMC versions.- Rattlers have improved performance- Military/PMC XX-92s can self designate (along with MH-60 DAPs) via ACE3 if used.KNOWN ISSUES (RC24)- AH-96 barrels don't rotate- No muzzleflash (AH-96)- Proxies is wrong for some reason (even when linked properly) for the ASRAAMs, but otherwise functional- Repair Container no worky, still need to work on some more with finding out what config entry fixes it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 8, 2016 Weapons Pack so far: - M249 can mount suppressors - Added APEX suppressors for the respective weapons (again not my responsibility if you don't have the DLC, not my job to manage your finances) in case you like them. - I have been floating an idea on an "ECOG" given i like the look of the ERCO but given it's a shit scope I may make something equivalent or whatnot, Overall it'll have the same reticule pattern as the 3.5x35 ACOGs. So far "ECOG" is just a WIP name, may come up with something better or cooler, who knows. Helos: - Will tweak FM so it's on average tolerable and acceptable. - Fix some shadow errors - Figure out what's up with the default USMC skin showing up on all versions, when its setup for Skins. I may have to just use the Hiddenselections commands and see if that helps it. - Tweak the containers to work better. I'm sure down the line once it matures I'll make that a standalone item since I'm sure a lot of milsim units would like the capability to use smaller helos for supplies, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 9, 2016 Anyway earlier yesterday worked on the "TA64" ACOG: Other than being 4x there's not much of a difference between the 3.5x35 optics (again uses the same reticule pattern) and just in a sense a more compact and sleeker looking of the classic ACOG look. For some reason the bottom of the tube felt the need to be flat but in itself easy to fix. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 9, 2016 Finalizing the TA64: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 11, 2016 Okay stuff that popped into my head before going to bed: Weapons Pack: - Can't open the .ebo files (a program does so?) So no APEX themed Titan-Ds and such. - 249 has the suppressor capability - Still have to do the TA64s and get them setup properly. For now it'll only have the Ibex ring sights as optional sights. - Not much else on my mind on the weapons pack, I want to focus some more on the helos and stuff. Helos: - Faction specific schemes now work, which is of course good for the current build - Have to work on the AH-96 some more, refinements and allowing the pilot to have control of the gun and rockets. - More TLC on the Ah-96s - I have an idea for an "HH-92", i.e. a USAF AFSOC UH-92. More development such as a futuristic looking .50 cal on one side, as well as an IFR probe. Since the USAF Mod has some specific guildelines to set it up making it permanently fixed is an option. Custom scheme of course (in line with the current HH-60s). - Not much else to work on. Kiowa: - More on that later when I have some news to tell everybody. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 13, 2016 Reticule difference of the TA64. I chose to stick with a black look as opposed to the red one, basically to show some "difference" between the various other ACOGs and the like. And so far testing on various servers has not really affected gameplay too much anyway, and the 3D scope has the same color: Also for the helos removed the old A2 textures and used the Ghost Hawk glass textures, to do some updating as well as reducing the amount of textures needed as well: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 14, 2016 Other than being intentionally TK'd by PVT B Cliffe on the 173rd server... Some thing: - Got the AH-96 mini to rotate the barrels, just have to make sure the turret animates properly - Cleaned up some configs and got the camo selections and tweaked some things to look proper, so faction specific textures now show up. - Not much planned for the other helos, other than the previous mentioning of the glass retexturing and stuff. Weapons pack: - Probably tomorrow will upload what I have so far, not much else in the works given I can't access the APEX .ebos, just need to go through it and double check some things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 18, 2016 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmteS15VHpCU21uSms/view?usp=sharing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Taliban Fighters RC17- Fixed path error for the Taliban flag. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 18, 2016 Some things planned (to get sometime next week): - Upload new version of weapons pack (more than likely tomorrow) Watched Avatar (The Director's Cut) and decided to revise the XX-92 ducted fan sounds, since the movie ducted fans somewhat sounded like a helo anyway, so I downloaded a royalty-free sound and hopefully that will sound better. The original sound isn't looped as I would like so maybe changing it out will make things better, maybe. Everything else will come as it comes, just been taking a few days off dealing with other things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 18, 2016 Managed to mess with the vertices to fix the MARINES and UNITED STATES ARMY on the tails, a bit better than the initial release: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+EricJ 4,335 Posted September 18, 2016 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtMm40aGU1UUtMeUk/view?usp=sharing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EricJ Weapons Pack RC85- Fixed ACOG transparency values, now can work in varying light.- Added suppressor capability to the M249.- Respective weapons support the new APEX suppressors and silencers.- Added a fictional "New" ACOG, the TA64, which is a 4x sight and otherwise has the same settings as the ACOG 3.5x35/Ibex sight combos. It is available in black and tan, and in 2D versions as well.- Renamed various ACOGs, from Tan to (Sand), etc. Future ideas for units in the Weapons Pack: - For those who know, I have played The Division quite a bit (and it's a fun game for a 3rd person shooter) and those who have, is all too familiar with the Last Man Battalion. Frankly that is a concept that I will likely explore and will probably do, given that not all the good guys stay "good" (please no political discussions, we all know where that's going to go), but the Raven PMC is a good flexible option (Good, Bad, Indifferent, etc) as a "western" themed unit, but the Black River PMC will entail a completely hostile (for whatever reasons, just a good unit setup) OPFOR sided organization for the weapons pack. Whatever theory is up to mission makers as it's pretty much going to be set in stone that they'll be on the OPFOR side (stranded in some location, took matters into their own hands, and instead became the oppressors, or just a bunch of shitheads, whatever) and will be mainly vehicle and infantry based with some helo support (Orcas and the like) but have M4s and all other styled gear, etc. - Tan P99, forgot that in this version as well as maybe a few other camo variations, we'll see. UH-60s - Again given I can me more flexible with skins with the AH-96 more than likely a standard Black scheme and a Black River PMC scheme will be done. - Plans to put more detail into the Cargo Containers is ahead and I'll be able to make that a standalone mod again if there's interest for those who like the containers but don't need the helos, etc. - More TLC on the AH-96 as well as more improvements as well as a PMC specific version (no ATGMs, I know Executive Outcomes had Hinds but we'll see on that issue but more than likely the hardpoints will of course stay). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites