MatanF16 1 Posted March 19, 2016 Hey, I try to download the War For Israel and its got 5 parts.. So I download the Part 1,2,5,4 and when I try to download the part 3 its says "limit".. I really want to download it, but I need Part 3.. can you do something ? Thanks.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Muesli 2,211 Posted March 19, 2016 Hey,YOU can do something! Be patient, and respect the reason for the download limits.Furthermore... enjoy SF and CA. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Trotski 939 Posted March 19, 2016 Subscribe, and get unlimited downloads its only a few quid a month, and you don't have to renew every month either, subscribe and help support this site. Because Its damned well worth it guys !! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted March 19, 2016 Hey, I try to download the War For Israel and its got 5 parts.. So I download the Part 1,2,5,4 and when I try to download the part 3 its says "limit".. I really want to download it, but I need Part 3.. can you do something ? Thanks.. Yeah that sometimes happens but we give you 6 downloads a day as a new member. If I may suggest make sure you're not using a download accelerator which opens multiple connections and downloads files in segments. Sometimes known as download boosters or speed boosters. When I look at your download log I see multiple downloads of the same file which usually indicate this is happening. There's a big red exclamation point on all the download pages about it because we want everyone to be aware of things. Our system counts each connection as a download so if you open six connections for one file you've burned up your daily limit. There maybe some changes coming up when we upgrade software but for now that is how things work. Here's what I'm seeing on your log: Hope that helps, Erik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joeyiswhammo 0 Posted September 14, 2016 New here but figured i'd ask. with all the websites hosting forums and mods for games this is the first one ive seen to limit on from downloads unless subscribed. whats the reasoning behind this? cheersPS why split mods up into so many parts especially given the download limits, any mod more than 5 parts just doesnt seem worth it.Grazi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted September 14, 2016 New here but figured i'd ask. with all the websites hosting forums and mods for games this is the first one ive seen to limit on from downloads unless subscribed. whats the reasoning behind this? cheers First of all, Welcome! We'd love to embrace the idea of an "internet is free" philosophy but in the real world that doesn't exist. Our costs to provide this site, community support sites, storage, and transfer use exceed our income on a monthly basis. Our philanthropy and goodwill (read: my wallet being lightened) to the community has limits and to be blunt none of this would exist if it weren't for the support we receive from subscription members. Just like PBS we need support from advertisers and members to continue providing our programming. The internet, developed on an Utopian idea, has always been pay to play. You pay for access to it and we pay to house and transfer the content we provide. It's the same anywhere you go so our idea to offer an incentive for subscriptions was birthed and we hope that you'll do your part to help. I can insert all the boring facts about terabytes and gigabytes, co-location of our devices, access fees to the pipeline, and the list goes on but you get the idea. DLC is never "free" there are always costs. How those costs are paid for is another conversation all together. Think about this, people will buy a $70 game and think nothing of dropping $15 for a new map (usually not just one), $20 for new weapons (also not just one), $10 for armor (multiple) and so on. You get the idea business are out to make money. You can draw your comparisons any way you like but you asked why and our why is very different from most. It's not that I'll take money from my wallet to pay for things every month it's always been how much. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked this, I really should have a canned statement to provide you but I hope I answered your question. I hope you take the time to learn why we're worth more than $5.00 for content but if you don't we still provide free limited access which is more than most and better than some. Subscriptions are a way for you to help us provide you the content and resources available here. PS why split mods up into so many parts especially given the download limits, any mod more than 5 parts just doesnt seem worth it. Grazi Same question just a different spin but ... The size of the files are split up because it makes them easier to be uploaded it has nothing to do with the downloading. The underlying feeling I get is we're being accused of trying to rip you off and some how extort money from you by purposely dividing the files into pieces costing you more FREE daily downloads. It's post scripts like this one that make me say screw philanthropy and all our content is pay for access, maybe that seems more "worth it"? I guess you should have stopped at the first statement but in closing. No ... Thank you! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyviper 1,101 Posted September 26, 2016 Am I the only that remembers a time when they said the internet was going to be free of advertisements? Okay, seriously. I want to backup everything Erik is saying about running a website. I have a small little something-something on the side and holy crap can barely cover it. Websites aren't as cheap as you think they are. The sad thing is that the mountains I see are cracks in a sidewalk compared to running something this big. But working on my own site has given me much, much, appreciation for what Erik is doing. It's one of those walk a mile in another person's shoes. I only took a step. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hAirypAulsAck 1 Posted September 30, 2016 I remember hearing something like that in a documentary or something and I'm probably wrong but it seemed like it was from big shot like Tim Berners-Lee or something but I really don't remember. I looked into it and it seemed that the internet is free and that we are only paying for the ability to access the internet and serve the internet. But I went back a little and started thinking down a different path, like when I waited and waited for the 56k to connect so I could do whatever the heck I was doing on the internet those days, I started to get a different picture that I don't really have an answer to. Was there ever a time when you didn't have to pay aol or netscape for access to the internet? I mean back when it was just bulletin boards didn't you connect straight to the other computer (or server) through your modem? I guess this problem comes in me not knowing how the information is transmitted, I know a little like understand the roll of DNS servers etc, but not much more. Is it like power at all where we need transformers to step up and step down to send over long distances or what? Also, the first instances of the networks with the military or universities whoever was first wasn't it a DC cable that linked the two? Any light would be appreciated as looking this stuff up leads to many sources with outrageous amounts of extraneous information. wow this might just be my first post, lol. Thanks to any 'welcome' greetings ahead of time ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted September 30, 2016 Well it all started back in 1958 with ARPA through US Government funding and yes major universities played a huge role in it's development and growth. The closed network transformed into the ARPAnet somewhere in the late sixties and it was still a private network. When the impact of networking computers nationwide was discovered the US Government through the FCC figured out that they needed to expand the network which at the time was run on copper phone lines. To do this the FCC started imposing a tax on the telephone companies that the public paid. Through this tax a larger and bigger backbone was paid for and built. That network was the basis for what we use today with the exception that most of the infrastructure was privatized which made way for companies like Comcast which is the nations largest internet service provider. Of course this is an over simplification of 40 years of development up to the point where companies like AOL, Netscape, MSN all started charging for dial-up access to their access points. From that point forward the internet has grown into what we know today. So we paid to have it built. We paid/pay to connect to it. We paid/pay to serve content on it. The bottom line is that we've always paid because that's how a capitalistic system works and the government is still taxing us for it's upkeep by way of FCC surcharges on your phone, cable, and internet connected devices. The word FREE though convenient it has never been. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyviper 1,101 Posted October 4, 2016 Sir, I must say that is very interesting ... but I thought Al Gore invented the internet. Off topic. Hidden in spoiler. Yeah and FCC don't mess around ... well at least not with AT&T. Long story short. ATT always dropped broadband, once a month, every month. It got old, I called FCC to see if there was a license or something I needed to have my own internet access. Screw ATT. The guy on the line asked me what was wrong with ATT, I told him. He asked if there was alternative. I said sure, you have to pay $300/month and can only watch 4 youtube videos. A few weeks later I get a call from ATT's office of the president (whatever that's supposed to be). Some guy begs me not to call the FCC again should there be a problem with my service. Internet hasn't dropped sense. Turns out ATT has to pay big fines for when they deny me service I'm paying or not providing the service I'm paying for. They actually had to upgrade some towers in my area too. Honestly I wonder if we could ever start a crowd funding project to have internet without Comcast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites