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SF2 F-15SG Hi-Rez 4096x Republic of Singapore Air Force Skins

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SF2 F-15SG Hi-Rez 4096x Republic of Singapore Air Force Skins

SF2 F-15SG Hi-Rez 4096x Republic of Singapore Air Force Skins
by Viper63a 2016/03/31




Warning! This mod includes 4096x skins and hi-rez decals. Please backup and restore the backup if you have performance issues with these skins.




You will the need FastCargo's F-15 Super Pack for these skins to work. You can look for it in the Add-on Aircraft section of CombatAce or you can try this link...




Credits: Fastcargo, James Fox, Wrench, USAFMTL et all for the EXCELLENT mods in CombatAce!




This mod contains updated F-15SG Eagle skins for the Republic of Singapore Air Force. Contains 3 variation of the RoSAF 149th Squadron: Shikra, Eagle, and the 428th Buccaneer Training Jets! This mod will replace and add/or some new skins so back up!




To Install, Uncompress the zip file and copy the contents of the uncompressed "To_Mod_Folder" folder into your Saved Game mod folder. Overwrite any conflicts.


Thats it! Enjoy!




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