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Terrorist assault underway in Munich, germany

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It has been confirmed, the Ansbach bomber pledged allegiance to ISIS, damned sucker. Now even Germany is in the list of potential targets for ISIS. Europe is all but safe as of now.

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In the last days Bavaria was hit by a lot of acts of terror. First a young Afghan attacked a Hongkong chinese family in a train with an axe, wounded them, then run away, killed more people outside the train and was shoot by police. One "goodwilling" politician asked wheter it was neccessary to shot the assassin to dead. What a stupid question of a stupid wife!

Then we had the amok run in Munich.

Then there was an other amok run, where a syrian refugee attacked and killed a woman with a machete.

And finally the bomb attack at Ansbach, again by a syrian refugee.


I dont understand, why people, who were not accepted for asylum, can stay in our country. Why people, who violated our laws can stay here in Germany. The guy, who bombed in Ansbach, was well known as drug dealer!!!

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Isn't Sweden now the leading western european country in rape ?  But as per that idiotic female mayor (i forget which German city she is from) women can prevent rape by keeping men at arms length how does one combat leftist apologist idiocy such as that ?  We have incidents here in Toronto where young Sunni refugee children, not the Yazidis or Shias in grade 6 (in my god sons class) have been making throat slitting gestures to their fellow classmates and the school administration just makes excuses to justify such behavior. It's their culture I'm not surprised they haven't changed much after my 20 yrs in the gulf.


EDIT:-  I should just move to Texas and carry a G36C in my car.


We all know that the problem is in the Sunni community. But our governments support countries such as Saudi Arabia, so what do you expect?


I dont understand, why people, who were not accepted for asylum, can stay in our country. Why people, who violated our laws can stay here in Germany. The guy, who bombed in Ansbach, was well known as drug dealer!!!


You got the point. No way he could stay in Germany, but he did apparently. Something is wrong with security all over Europe. France is the first example.

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Germany and the rest of Europe are now recolting what Germany and Merkel (and other irresponsible politicians since 40 years) seeded. Can't say I'm surprised.

But you know, we are biggots and islamophobs. Nothing to do with anything and all these people are perfectly fine. Cultural enrichment and so on.

And that's just the beginning, we aren't done mourning.

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It has been confirmed, the Ansbach bomber pledged allegiance to ISIS, damned sucker. Now even Germany is in the list of potential targets for ISIS. Europe is all but safe as of now.



Germany has always been on the list. Until now, terrorists have been incomprehensively stupid, though. Well, luck was about to run out some time...

Pledging allegiance to ISIS is an easy way to get 15 minutes of fame before vanishing into the wastebin of history.


What is appaling about islamism is that you can live a non-islamic life, doing drugs, being a thug and with just one asshat-deed, redeeming yourself and going to "heaven" with those 72 grapes.

Now, a moderate muslim will tell you that this is all wrong, but then again, a moderate catholic will tell you that molesting altar-boys isn't that christian either.






Germany and the rest of Europe are now recolting what Germany and Merkel (and other irresponsible politicians since 40 years) seeded. Can't say I'm surprised.


You naughty boy! Homework: Sing the Deutschlandlied 50 times. 


The biggest problem with Merkel is: She can't even resign - there's nobody there to fill that role, after she made sure there'd be no replacement/ competitor. She's pretty clever at power-games, but apart from that, there's no cleverness in that person.


After the elections next year, there'll most probably be a three-party coalition that will make sure not only to keep Merkel in power (as if we haven't already had enough of that witch), but also keep the status-qup for another election period.

What that means: Giving in to Erdogan and his criminal islamist friends.

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Well, anybody can be replaced. That's just part of her communication : it's me or nothing. Bullshit.
And I find it quite depressing that in Germany and several european countries the elites have locked the political system in the forthcoming elections, fearing the consequences of their stupidity regarding the immigrants.

Democracy is in a very bad shape in western Europe.

Edited by Emp_Palpatine

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Well, anybody can be replaced. That's just part of her communication : it's me or nothing. Bullshit.


She doesn't communicate.


She had anybody whose profile wasn't completely conformous kicked out of her party or resign.


Today's politicians aren't about getting shit done any values anymore, they're all about getting in power. I don't see anybody with the right format at all. Everybody else is just a conformist ass-licker.


That's because there isn't any real people's right-wing party anymore. The right-wingers are either crazy or fucked-up. Some are both. That has a lot to do with the media that shoots down common-sense and conservatism wherever possible.

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The more I see the complicity of our garbage european politicians with what's happening (massive muslim inflow), the more I believe on what I've read on "Club Bilderberg".


"Angela Merkel worried about foreign refugees" ??


She doesn't even bother with her own country citizens for start, much less would she with millions of people she doesn't even know !!


Obviously she's part of some kind of agenda to change europe in some way.

Edited by Boresight

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There is no deeper agenda - it's the naivity of new-age left-wingers (champagne-socialists, social romantiscists, conformist-leftism, etc.), that has trickled up into government.

This and practically one-side media (mostly left-winged, few centralist to conservative).


There is never a conspicious hidden plan when things can easily be explained by stupidity.


Remember George Carlin?

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."

...and they all vote!

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There is no deeper agenda - it's the naivity of new-age left-wingers (champagne-socialists, social romantiscists, conformist-leftism, etc.), that has trickled up into government.

This and practically one-side media (mostly left-winged, few centralist to conservative).


There is never a conspicious hidden plan when things can easily be explained by stupidity.


Remember George Carlin?

"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."

...and they all vote!


No, but I remember George Soros... if you get my hint.

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