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Having problems with selectable years in SF2 (Tried many solutions)
Eagle114th, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - General Discussion
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By 1309mariano
Hi, my name is Mariano and I recently installed SF2 in my PC. All went well, installed some planes, did the thing right. Now, when i wanna play with an installed plane, it only shows the manufacturing year. For example, the A-4AR by Bandidos Team starts at 1998 and ends in 2020, but in my case, I only see 1998 and I'm only allowed to play on that year. I will attach some screenshots for you to see whats happening...
Anyone has a solution for this problem? Do i have to reinstall the planes? An update? Thank you in advance, have a great fly!
By JamesWilson
Hi everyone,
I need help to change the date in "single mission" in the amazing ODS (Operation Desert Storm) mod for SF2
It lets me choose between years 1990-1991-1992
As soon as i end a mission and, for example, i get a medal or an award, it ofc says the date the sortie has been done...
The problem is: since i can only choose the year, and not the month in mission menu, the date is randomically chose (for example i very often get months like august or december, even if the war had been fought only between the second half of January and February 1991, not any other month)
How can i choose the month and day i want to fly for a single mission? So that i can choose the actual days the war happened instead of random 1991 months?
I hope i explained well and that a solution can be found.
I already tried changing Start Year and End Year date with January 1991 and February 1991, but nothing happened
I truly love this mod, and imho it's absolutely perfect, but this is the only thing that "ruins" a bit (like getting a medal which says i flew over Iran on April 1991) and i'd like to fix it but idk how
Thank you so much for helping me, seriously