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Help! Can't add new Target Area, another Area Overrides (_Targets.ini)

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Hi everyone…


I’m struggling with an issue that I just can’t seem to resolve.   When I try to add another area to my _Targets.ini file, it never shows up.  I’ve done the typical trouble shooting such as double-checking numeric sequencing.  But, the odd thing is that when I run a test mission and place an object exactly at the center of the new target area I’ve added (US Army Infantry Camp), it never shows up!  Looking in debug mode brings even more strange results.  For example, under “Nearest Target Area” instead of seeing my new target area, there is always another area that is overriding it (Pleiku in this case).  I then test it using Mue’s tool, and there it is properly listed at the end of the _Targets.ini and displays everything exactly as I placed it (and as it should be)! 

Could this be something to do with radius issues?  Any ideas on why this is happening?  What can be done to resolve it?  Appreciate any tips, this one is driving me nuts!











Name=US Army Infantry Camp






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Try loading it with the TFD tool....that will tell you how may target areas have actually been loaded. if the count is not right you know that there is a typo of some sort after the last target area.

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I think you are grabbing at something to big,,, I'd go with a specific building or tent as Headquarters US Infantry camp

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The radius has something to do how close you must come to the target while flying a recon mission. AFIIK.

If a target area does not appear in game has nearly always something to do with a wrong sequence number.





 must come


and then


and so on.



Sometimes small typos can cause a sequence break.


for instance




the forgotten




make the break and the target area does not appear.




or you have a


[TargetArea20 2]


or a


[TargetArea 02]


or something.


Be sure, it is only one little typo, that cause your problem.

Edited by Gepard

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That's why I suggested using the TFD tool as mues editor will still see the target areas even if there's a typo where as the TFD wont, it just load upto the last "good" area.

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