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submarines arent much in game right now because game limits.  but could this be a work around....


do the antenna removal trick but over the whole sub not just one part. this would probably require the sub to be one piece but 90 percent of them dont have noticable moving parts other than the screw. as i understand how that trick works, it makes the part invisible until the aircraft is destroyed. a sub popping up being proof of hte kill. in theory this allows ASW planes to do their thing


questions being could the subs still be tracked? can this be applied to ground objects? and is this interesting enough to purue if possible

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unfortunately, you can't remove/hide meshes on Ground Objects, only aircraft.


OTH, this one wonders if a "damaged or destroyed" model could be added? But, again, if its "under water"....?????

(playing too much Atlantic Fleet, methinks! <g>)

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How about something like a Foxtrot diesel boat on the surface that has been forced to the surface by ASW assets or charging batteries to be finished off by garden variety attack aircraft.

I say the Foxtrot because how common it was for the SF2V time span.


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well that sucks on hidden objects. thought two is: do you think the sub could sit much lower in the water?   that is to where all but the periscope are below water?  (hey if the game can screw up and send a CVBG through the beach..)

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"well that sucks on hidden objects. thought two is: do you think the sub could sit much lower in the water?   that is to where all but the periscope are below water?"


You mean like this, by Fubar512 back in 2008?


Edited by allenjb42
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yup, quite like that. now i gotta go back and remember how torpedoes are classed. if the ships can fire SAMs, why not surface to surface? (been painting airliners too long...)


bad part is gets the gears spinning faster as i'my away from main computer.

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I have always thought that LOD's are the answer to this as you get closer the boat goes down... then I guess the damage/destroyed model could finish her off

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I think that torpedoes are classed as sea skimmer missiles with no LOD but just a wake effect.


Check out the WW2 weapons and mods.

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