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Hello friends.

I have a 3-D model ready. But I do not know how to add data.ini file.

Can you help me ?

I work 3ds max 2009 and i have import-exporter plugins 

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Creating a data.ini might take a while.

I would suggest for a quick tests - use an already existing data.ini from a plane that looks similar in shape and layout as the bird you work on.

Correct weapon station positions, mesh name call outs of major and sub components (wings,nose,stabs,gearsystem,engine,pilot,etc,etc.) Then adjust min/max extents and collision points, fueltank and light positions, speed,size and range parameters. After that you can dive into the more complicated ones which makes your bird handle as you wish. This later would be more time consuming, but even if you get the urge to just quit it - carry on with the adjustments.

SF1 and SF2 knowledge base has several posts about certain aspects of it, that might help you with it or shed a light on. The FM is the trickiest of all and I personally have no full knowledge of the quirks of every part of it so can not advice you on that - I do know it takes lots of editing, testing, editing, testing and so on till you satisfied.

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I was taught by Stephan1918 to find an existing aircraft similar to the new one you are making.  Start by substituting the LODs of your new aircraft and don't change anything else.  Once you get your new aircraft flying ingame, then you can slowly change the other files to make them appropriate for your aircraft. 


In effect, take small baby steps.  Make small changes to the "old" files until the "new" files are right for your new aircraft.

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Hello friends.
I have a 3-D model ready. But I do not know how to add data.ini file.
Can you help me ?
I work 3ds max 2009 and i have import-exporter plugins 



Could you tell us what the model is? You may find a volunteer to help.

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What these guys said ^ 

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