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Israel is burning

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A very good friend of mine lives in Kefar Sava and is keeping me posted on the fires. The situation is crazy...

Good luck to everyone there.


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What makes you think this was done by human hands? And if so is it intentional "terrorism" or just carelessness? Greece was burning in 2008... no one mentioned terrorism. California used to burn as well quite often..


EDIT: Sry I did not read the second link, it failed to load for the first time. Well I still think this it's governmental panic making (as usual). Natural catastrophe "tuned up" with some staged cases. Anyways it is horrible and I really wish this to end very soon!!

Edited by Snailman

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What makes you think this was done by human hands? And if so is it intentional "terrorism" or just carelessness? Greece was burning in 2008... no one mentioned terrorism. California used to burn as well quite often..


EDIT: Sry I did not read the second link, it failed to load for the first time. Well I still think this it's governmental panic making (as usual). Natural catastrophe "tuned up" with some staged cases. Anyways it is horrible and I really wish this to end very soon!!


This make me think so and I believe at least 2 of the large fires in SoCal in 2003 where lit with this motive.



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I tend to believe the "media hype" that this is terrorism,or at least some of it is considering the people being blamed have already shown they have no issue with daily raping and murdering people, using their own children as human shields for their weapons,indoctrinate their children from the cradle to hate and not value life .people who seem to have no issue firing thousands of rockets at women and children and who seem to have little remorse packing their kids and wives with explosives and sending them at civilians....so yeah I don't think it's a stretch that the Palestinians would light fires to destroy and disrupt Israeli lives.....I'm sure not all the fires are terrorism but it's certainly something that they would do and at least some were set intentionally. I guess the easiest way for the Palestinians to not get blamed for everything violent would have been for them to not have done so much violence in the first place.

Edited by whiteknight06604
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Seemingly: 0 dead or missing. It says much about the quality of organization and skilfulness of emergency teams. Thank Yahweh, Hosannah, this did not happen in the heat of summer - when besides many other Med countries would have been busy with their own fires. I don't remember there was much to be burnt down South of Galilea and Jebel al-Druze, but it seems that the green lung of Israel has gone brown.


Note about the article of Times of Israel: I'm always pretty amused when reading Arabs called anti-Semites. They are Semites, they feel Semites, for they were long before Mohammed and have always been, while they feel that the immigrates landed from Poland, Romania or Ukraine after two millenia of exile, with European trousers and hats and no Semitic words in their mouth but a handful of prayers, were not Semites.

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