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Mission Editor for FE2?

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Thinking in getting FE2 installed again, specially for Eastern Front with a Austro-Hungarian/Russian area in mind. But before I install, anyone know If is there any way to use the SF2 series mission editor in FE?


I'm a user mainly of single missions, having no mission editor is really killing all my joy, so is there any way to have it working on FE2?


Also, for east front, there's a working Lloyd C.V??



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Something that might work is importing the FE2 assets into SF2 and using SF2 to make missions. I am not sure how well Kreelin's mission editor could be adapted to FE2. While I am (or more correctly "was") somewhat of an expert on mission editing in SFP1/WoX and SF2, I never really messed with FE2 missions. I was always happy with randomly generated dogfights.


Good luck!

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I see, one of the problems is that, all missions are dogfights, and I like to move mud lol

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One way to help create missions is to play a campaign and save missions that are similar to what you want in mission and scope... then merely adjust the aircraft, etc. to make it more like what you want. I just tested it. While I could not save random single missions, I was able to save a campaign mission (at least the option was highlighted and appeared functional). I used to use this technique in SF2 to see how carrier missions were set up prior to the official mission editor being released.

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This is what I am doing

But often, I would like to change Target ...

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Ok, then is the way to go. Fly campaign with two seaters so I get ground attack missions, save and change the planes to met my needs. And also erase the enemy planes If needed.



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Why not fresh install of SF2 and replace the aircraft and terrain from FE2?


Will work?

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I don't know. Never tried it. just an idea.


Unfortunately, the two game systems are incompatible.  I can't find it, but someone asked the same question in the SF2 forums and Wrench responded with the specific reasons why FE2 maps won't run properly in SF2.  Damn shame really, as FE/FE2 still does a few things better than SF/SF2 - among them is the better looking maps at low altitude.  That's one reason why I won't work in SF/SF2.


If the day ever comes when modders get access to the source code, what is needed is a third sim that combines the best of both - Strike Eagles.  :biggrin:


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