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Hi to all, I'm Astore. Thanks for downloading my skin pack ! 
The UPEO (Universal Peace Enforcement Organization) is a fictional faction featured in the Ace Combat game series, and the main faction of Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere. 
The Universal Peace Enforcement Organization is an international peacekeeping organization under the Neo United Nations. UPEO maintains the SARF (Special Armed Response Force) when military intervention is required for peacekeeping duties, as well as the Euro-Asia Public Network for neutral, continent-wide broadcasting.

Despite its aim of enforcing peace, UPEO was a puppet of General Resource Limited until the late 2030s. The organization became more independent with the rise of Neucom Incorporated and with Gabriel William Clarkson taking office as UPEO's representative.

UPEO is the player's initial organization at the start of Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere. In the Japanese version of the game, the player can defect from UPEO to either General Resource or Neucom.

It has shown that their equipment is of two main aircraft carriers, a Nimitz class and an Air Vector UI-4053 Sphyrna, still in construction during the early events of the game. Their main base, is a military airport at the center of Expo City, the eastern city of the USEA continent excluding Megafloat, which is a floating-island city.
The UPEO Air Fleet is composed by future versions of actual aircraft and some fictionals since the game is set in 2040 of the Strangereal Universe, but the only fictional continent invented at the game exit was the USEA, so, since the faction seems to be universal, there could be several other planes operative in other nations, which have been introduced only in Ace Combat 5 The Unsung War (That is set in 2015).

Main air fleet
EF-2000 Typhoon II -Base plane, multirole fighter-
Mig-33 Fulcrum SS -Interceptors-
F/A-18 Hornet ADV -Multirole, got from the General Resource LDT faction
F-16XF Gyrfalcon -Air superiority, got from the General Resource LDT faction
R-101U Delphinus I -Base plane of the R Fleet from Neucom.Inc faction
R-201U Asterozoa -Heavy attacker fighter, Attacker from the R Fleet of the Neucom.Inc Faction
SU-37 SUPERFLANKER II -Multirole, mainly Air Supremacy.-
SU-43 Berkut -Multirole, mainly Air Supremacy.-
UI-4053 Sphyrna - Heavy Air vector with the fuction of a flying aircraft carrier with jamming capabilities and interior hangar to store at least 20 planes. 
R-505U -Presidential plane of Rapresentative Gabriel William Clarkson

[From Ace Combat 3] -2040-
Erich Jager 
Fiona Chris Fitzgerald
Rena Hirose
[From other continents] -...-
[From original SF2 Campaigns and missions]
Aurelia-Astore Squadron-(F-35C Lightning assignated to the CVN-56 Aircraft Carrier)-2025-
Skin Pack: 
F-15 D ACTIVE -UPEO and GR Skins-
F-16A_Blk1 (Stock F-16) -UPEO skin-
FA-18a (Stock F-18) -UPEO skin- 
FA-27C (Yukikaze Planes Addon) -UPEO and NEU Skins-
Mig-29C_RUS -UPEO Skin-
Su-27SKM -UPEO and Upeo Ace Rena Hirose Skins-
SU-47 -UPEO Skin-
Typhoon -UPEO Skin and Typhoon ace skin-
CVN-56 / Admiral 56 (Yukikaze Aircraft Carrier Addon) -UPEO Skin-

Installation: Open the aircraft folder from the downloaded content, and copy/move the UPEO (and variant) folders to the plane's folder in your SF2 (StrikeFighters2>Objects>Aircraft>Your plane folder. Same for the Aircraft Carrier skin: StrikeFighters2>Objects>GroundObjects>Admiral56) There's no need to overwrite on other folders, just add them in the specific folders. My skins does not requires decals, since the emblems are painted in the skin.
If the skin doesn't work or shows leaving your aircraft black, it's possible that you are using a different version of the plane from an another addon, or that your game doesn't read the skin format. When this happen, copy the skin files to save them, then try to change their format (Like JPG). If the skin sets are the same for other models with the same skin mapping, they should work too. 

You can make a UPEO Nation in your INI Files continuing the list of nations. Be sure that the Nation number continues the series. In my case since I already got 271 Nations in my file, I've wrote Nation272 to make it work. But you could have to change the number.


Link to planes and models: 
F-16: http://www.fxinteractive.com/it/p156/p156extras.htm
F-18:http://www.fxinteractive.com/it/p156/p156extras.htm     OR     https://combatace.com/files/file/16682-fa-18a-made-by-tmf-themiragefactory/
Typhoon: https://combatace.com/files/file/6398-ef-2000/
F-15 D Active: https://combatace.com/files/file/7256-f-15-active-for-the-thirdwire-series/
F/A-27C and CVN-56 from Yukikaze: https://combatace.com/files/file/12522-yukikaze-fa-27cadmiral56/
SU-27 SKM: https://combatace.com/files/file/14316-su-27skm-flanker-for-sf1woe/
SU-47: https://combatace.com/files/file/14312-su-47-berkut-for-woe-sf1/
MIG-29C: https://combatace.com/files/file/13792-mig29c-ukrainerar/

Most of these planes should work also on SF Gold. I've started working on the skin pack from Gold and then moved to SF2. Actually, also the F-18 has been downloaded from the FX Interactive site, but the addon from CombatAce should work too. To install manually the aircraft from that site, download them, the site will give a laucher-sort file. Ignore it, do mouse-right click and extract the files. You should obtain the aircraft folder to put in your SFG/SF2 aircraft folder, and it should work. Some of the templates for aircrafts were missing, then I had to make some new by hand, like for the F-15D Active. The older skins could be not at the same quality since I was working on SFG, but they'll be remade in future. 

Bugs and errors: The files shouldn't damage your game, if something doesn't work just remove the folder of the skin. 
The only bug I actually know is in the F-15 D ACTIVE canards, which couldn't be painted. It was the only Active I found, if you use it in SF2 be sure to insert also a cockpit file. 

You can customize the skins if you want to, credit me when you post screens or other in way to allow other players to find the download. Don't forget to rate, good or bad.
This was my first skin pack, I hope I didn't messed up and that everything works. Maybe I'll do other skins in future. Have fun !


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Well, to start with, a actual description of just what's included might be a good idea....

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Skins of the planes I had put in the description, nothing more. Since some people could not know the faction, I've described it a bit. :ty:
There's also some screenshots to see the style, it's basically the same paint scheme for all the different planes. 

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      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
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      -ravenclaw_07, for his fantastic high quality recreations of missiles, bombs and pods.
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      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
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      -The aircraft folder is named "EF2000". In order to avoid mismatches and bugs of any sort, it's highly suggested to either remove or rename any pre-existing "EF2000" folder you might have.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -GKABS, for reworking the original aircraft 3d model by Bongodriver, for skins and decals for Kuwait and Qatar and for his reworked templates.
      -ravenclaw_07, for his fantastic high quality recreations of missiles, bombs and pods.
      -ace888, for reworking the original add-on by Bongodriver with several new skins and decals for all operators of the time.
      -compufat, for supporting this project with skins of special liveries.
      -Bongodriver, for his original EF2000 aircraft and cockpit 3d models and for the skin templates.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.
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      >For Strike Fighters 2 games
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      -YF-22 Paint Scheme (inspired by the real YF-22 prototype)
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      As a bonus, different aircraft configuration files are included in the "(Alternative Data)" folder. You'll be able to choose between realistic loadouts (default configuration of the aircraft add-on package) and what-if loadouts inspired by the mentioned F-22 videogames of the late 90s, namely weapons included in F-22 Lightning 3. Both configurations are also available with the addition of invisible skids; those will allow you to perform belly landings, which are a feature of good old F-22 Total Air War.
      -The B61 tactical nuclear bomb is a retarded version, but drop it safely from high altitude at high speed. Take note that it does not damage the stock Runway object, due to the armor values of it. The B61 is meant to be used against naval fleets you may encounter on some custom terrains.
      -You need to tweak the SoundList.ini file in order to fully experience any new sounds. Read "(Add to SoundList)" for further details, and remember to extract the SoundList.ini file from the FlightData.cat archive, if you do not have a custom one in your mod folder already.

      >Credits (in no particular order):
      -yakarov79, for his high quality templates which allowed me to easily put some new paint on the aircraft.
      -ravenclaw_007, for sharing some of his latest weapon 3d models for the bonus what-if loadouts.
      -Astore, for providing me with better Ace Combat themed emblems, and for being one of the few Italian Ace Combat fans like me.
      -godrugalultimate, from DeviantArt, for making incredibly detailed Ace Combat themed decals.
      -RythusOmega, for providing all Ace Combat 7 emblems and whose skins have been used as reference for the Phoenix liveries.
      -Lanzerince, whose Ace Combat 7 skins have been used as reference for the Scarface livery.
      -mue, for his LOD Viewer which helped immensely in the making of the skins.
      -Blade, for sharing info about the purpose of the game's decal levels.
      -My girlfriend, for supporting me in all of my endeavors.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
      Submitter Menrva Submitted 10/13/2021 Category F-22  

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