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AI Planes vs flyable questionsavagkc

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How would you relate AI planes vs Flyable planes?

Like which AI planes are supposed to have radar (avionics lines in ini)?

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ummmmm....not quite sure what you mean...

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like i mean - which cockpit (flyable plane) would be the closest match to which AI plane?



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I use the A-4B's cockpit in the MiGs, even though it would be incorrect for the twin engined MiG-19. I use the A-4E's 'pit in the MiG-21, with the F-4B's RADAR. Also, you can add the MiG-21's loadout to the '17 and '19. so they can carry ATOLL AAMs.


Here's my MiG-17 and MiG-19 [aircraft data] line in their corresponding aircarft.ini's:



AircraftFullName=MiG-17F Fresco-C





Here's My MiG-21 [aircraft data]:



AircraftFullName=MiG-21PFM Fishbed-F






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Dialogue, Marco Silva has some repainted F-104 or F-100 cockpits that he made especially for use with the MiG's. I know, it isn't perfectly authentic, but he did an excellent job, and they really do look a great deal like the actual thing.

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iI am using Marco's cockpits and they seem to fit the bill for now. The only AI's that had radar that I am aware of were the MiG-21's. So for the other MiG's I am using the radarless F-100 pit painted Soviet blue.


For the MiG-21's I am using the F-104 pit with a makeshift Soviet RP-21 radar developed by eruyi over at the SimHQ forums. It is not as easy to use as the US radars... has only 1 range and loses lock easily. He has a radar screen overlay for it, but at this time SF does not allow overlays, though TK stated he would look into it.





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