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3ds max model tips and hints

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Can someone sticky this please.? create a 3ds max tips n hints thread

I had a pylon that the missile was tilted up on....it wasnt ini related...it was because mesh in 3ds max wasnt correct measurements...this happens if you create a mesh,from say a stock cylinder...of 2m long by 1m dia...and  scale it down to say 1m x.25 m and skin it and done....if you dont xform reset it,then it does what my pylon did.....actually it was outerwing that needed resetting....but what I describe about cylinder causes such issues.easy thing to miss when you do hundreds of parts to a model....

I now create meshes for say pistons in place where I first make the basic cylinder shape.then fashion the 2 halves etc....then If I scale it up...I now always xform reset it before animating and rotating\moving it into place...as resetting it when its at odd angles is hard if not impossible some times.


Edited by russouk2004
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I've learned before I attach meshes or add animations, I xform reset and also reset the pivots. then I move them to where they need to go and animate the meshes.

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Re-posting this here as it's a handy lifehack for modelling and mapping any curved roads for target area / airbase mods... very useful for taxiways, roads, other curved paved surfaces

The fact that increasing interpolation will vary the poly density in order to smooth tighter curves as necessary is very handy too. Remember to adjust the handles of the vertices of the path to get the curves spot on. (When doing this I recommend switching the object to see-through mode - Alt+X keyboard shortcut)

Whereas in the video the guy using the tiling feature in the Material Editor, instead I edit the object in Edit Poly mode... then delete all polys EXCEPT for the top surfaces of the rectangular render. Then I apply an "Unwrap UVW" modifier, this is where I then scale the UV's to the width of the road texture, and then scale the UVs length to my liking so that the texture doesn't appear squashed / stretched.


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Question,,,,, say I have a wing with moving parts....flaps , landing gear and doors...ect now I want to copy it to the other side, If I clone and mirror it, I have to reset  and flip. I now lost my pivot point alignment and have to redo them. is there any other way to

do this copy without loosing the pivot point alignment ?

Edited by Veltro2k

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I am always using symmetry...

I am making Left wing/flaps/gear doors...reset pivot point and set it to X-0.0  as the center of aircraft/symmetry line. Then resetXform. And then modifier - symmetry.  Mirror axis- x and If I made left-wing then check 'flip', if right-wing - symmetry will appear on the left side..Still in most cases, i just need to reposition the pivot point on X- axis. But it is way better than Mirror, no need to resetpivots/xform/flip polys This is my way...I think it is quite easy, 

I use symmetry almost to everything...If I make landing gear..when gear is finished...then I am UVmapping...and making symmetry. - Then I can sort parts/animate etc... But i have symmetrical and already mapped elements. 

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I use instances and then mirror...with the 110 I mirrored wing and gears etc,xform reset parts not animated and works fine in game...

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Fix to get rid of the right-click menu ghosting bug in 3DS Max 2009:

  1. Navigate to your 3ds Max installation folder (under Autodesk, in Program Files)
  2. Copy and paste 3dsmax.exe into the folder, creating 3dsmax - copy.exe
  3. Edit your 3ds Max launch shortcut's 'Target' field to launch 3dsmax - copy.exe (right click, go to Properties)
  4. Run the shortcut as Administrator (very important)
  5. The issue should be fixed, or should occur much less frequently
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