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MadJeff checkin' in!

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Hey all! Damn, it's been awhile! :cool: Nice to see a lot of old names as well as a lot of new ones as well! Thought I would drop in and say hey and see how the ol' homestead was doing.


It's been a busy year for me, lots of stuff going on workwise. All in all, it's been a pretty good year. About the only thing I've been playing lately is Battlefield2. It's been (gasp!) over 6 months since I've touched a flight sim. With fall coming, I expect to get some stick time soon.


MK2 and crew have done a great job moving the site forward, my hats are off to them! I see Fates is working his usually magic as well. :victory:


So, how's everyone been?

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Hey Mad Jeff glad to see you alive and kicking. My little VA for FS2k4 is chugging along and I'm still trying to raise cain when ever possible. Let me know when you start flying again and hook you up at a place thats as fun as the BioHaz server was.

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I'd say for many people, even old schoolers like myself, flight simming is no longer the consuming passion it used to be. Other stuff keeps interrupting!




The Jedi Master

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Howdy Jeff wave.gif


Glad to hear that things are well with you.

As Jedi says other things keep interrupting my gaming!

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HEY MJ!!! Man it's good to Cya...Glad all is well.You need to stop in more often.Fates is the driving force here,still.Stay in touch and shot me a line sometimes. :victory:

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Hey Jeffy

nice to see you around :)

hope every thing is oky doky



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