SF2 Install on second hard drive
GunnySonics, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - General Discussion
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Hi all, long time since I’ve posted. First, I don’t know much about modding as the most I’ve done was trying to shoehorn LGBs off a F-100 and some minor skinning. Combatace in general has been the modding nest for flight sims on the internet. Probably the most talented group of individuals in existence who always shared what they knew to help others.
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( Can not open the file as [7z] archive)
Unexpected end of data
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Greetings all!!!
Any day now I'm due to be back in the land of the gaming. I've finally been able to purchase a new gaming rig after my old 'un got fried in a power surge last year. Good news is; I've been able to splash out on a reasonably high spec PC Specialist Vortex Fusion II unit with:
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* 4.6 Ghz Quad Core with 8mb cache
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