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Bringing over a campaign from strike fighters 1 to 2

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Hey all. I was wondering if it would be possible to port this campaign over to strike fighters 2 since I don't want to go through the hassle of installing SF1 and gathering all of the necessary mods for it. 


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I would say don't do it. I never heard of anybody importing from SF1 to SF2 with campaigns as I'm quite sure the file structure is so different that you'd be better off making a new campaign in SF2 with what you want.

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Shouldn't be a problem. I just ported an old SF1 campaign to one of my SF2 installs as an experiment, and it worked fine.

Check that all of the aircraft listed in the Data.INI of the SF1 campaign are in your SF2 install, and you should be good to go.

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And if you want maritime warfare,add in the data.ini this


Edited by jack33

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4 hours ago, Gatling20 said:

Shouldn't be a problem. I just ported an old SF1 campaign to one of my SF2 installs as an experiment, and it worked fine.

Check that all of the aircraft listed in the Data.INI of the SF1 campaign are in your SF2 install, and you should be good to go.

How would I go about doing this?

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If both install are "vanilla" or basic ones, with no changes at all, it should work ok.

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6 hours ago, Nighthawk117 said:

How would I go about doing this?

Copy the folder for the campaign you want to use to your SF2 Campaigns folder (creating that folder if you don't already have one).

Open the campaign Data.INI, and check that all the aircraft required by the SF1 campaign you want to use (AircraftType=...) are present in your SF2 install.


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