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Hey guys, gonna need your help, NormalMissionRateDeviation and offensiveMissionRateDeviation. What are their effects like for instance if normal mission rate is 30, and NormalMissionRateDeviation is 10, what will happen? And what will be different if NormalMissionRateDeviation is 20 for example?

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If i have it right :

NormalMissionRate : days that will separate your missions

NormalMissionRateDeviation : days that your mission can start after or before your NormalRate value.

So., if NormalMissionRate is set at 30, this means 30 days will past from one mission to another. If your NormalMissionRateDeviation is set at 10, this means your mission will start from 20 to 40 days between them. If NormalMissionRateDeviation is set at 20, this means your mission will start from 10 to 50 days between them and so on.

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Oh thanks, thats a very clear answer, but is it random? like normal mission rate 30 and NormalMissionRateDeviation is 10, the chances it will be lesser or higher (20-40 in this example) are random or not? 

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Yeah thanks, one more thing if u don't mind, can I control the missions' time? For instance, I want all my campaign missions to be at morning/day or the reverse or both. Is this even possible or is this is for single missions only ?

Edited by m275500

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I think it can be done as in the ODS project i think some mission start early in the morning but i do't know where this have to be done in the .ini's.

But you can manually change the time of day while on mission. Check in your options screen (can't remember what it's named but it will be something like advance time).

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