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Screen Overhaul - (1920 x 1080)

Strike Fighter Project 2 – Screen Overhaul v1.2 Customizable Edition


The new version of SF2 Screen Overhaul 1.2 is now released.  Here is the following screen this mod completely overhaul:

-          Main screen

-          Single mission screen

-          Mission editor screen

-          Hangar (Default) screen

-          Loadout screen

-          Planning screen

-          Roster screen

-          Campaign screen

-          Campaign editor screen

-          Pilot records screen

-          Options screen


It does not yet cover another screen.  It is work in progress (WIP) for now.  What I am seeking for is feedback that will help me improving the mod further. It is one of my biggest projects I ever worked on for SF2. It gave me opportunity to grow a new skill I enjoy doing. 

NOTE:  Now that SF2 Screen Overhaul is becoming a customizable version. If you make any mods that adds or change anything to this mod, please add my name and mod name to your credit part.


You can contact me by PM in CombatAce (I am known as Eagle114th there) or Strike fighter series Discord chat (My username is Magic Dragon, so you can find me there too.)

Version 1.2 NOTES:


Buttons customization instruction:
In Menu folder (SF2 mod folder), you will see various SF2 screen named as “BUTTONS_HANGAR, MAIN, OPTIONS, etc...), there are folders for each button.  In order, to change the color of buttons, go to one of button folder, you will see different folders for various color.  Copy the file from there and overwrite the files in any BUTTONS_(SCREEN) folder.

For example, in BUTTONS_HANGAR, if I want to change the color of “LOADOUT” square button to blue; I go to the folder “LOADOUT”, then “Blue” folder, copy the files: LOADOUT0.bmp, LOADOUT1.bmp, and LOADOUT2.bmp.  Then I paste (Overwrite) the files in BUTTONS_HANGAR.


Screens and Buttons customization Templates

In different “BUTTONS_(different screen names)”, there are folder “_Templates’.  You can use it to change the designs, colors, or anything you want to do with the screen background or buttons. 



This mod uses a font known as Orbitron.  I included it in _Fonts folder.

I want to express my sincerely big THANKS to Menrva, Wrench, UllyB, Daddyairplanes, Wilches, JosefK, FalonCAF, and everyone else in CombatAce community for making this possible.  You all have been a huge help. 

Because of Operation Desert Storm 30 years anniversary great mod, I was able to study the codes on how SF2 menu work, which led me into developing new menu for SF2.  This mod is truly fun to fly in SF2.  If anyone hasn’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it.

There are detailed instruction that explains how to install in the proper ways in README file.  LEASE READ IT BEFORE INSTALLING! 

I included the plans for the next version in the readme too.  

The feedback are always welcomed!





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Absolutely awesome. Brilliant production design. Very stylish and modern military. Spent many happy hours converting my own hangar screen pictures to work with your template. This is exactly what SF2 should have shipped with.

Notwithstanding the above, here's some minor feedback:

1. Templates for all screens would be useful because we all tinker. I adjusted the Mission screen to put in a more finely detailed map - the Desert Planning Map, actually. I also made one for Nam so I can switch accordingly. Main Screen, I put in an F/A-18 Hornet.

With templates, it would have been easier, but it was fun.

2. The exit button at top left is a little soft. It would be nice if the aircraft silhouette was sharper.

3. It would be nice if the BACK button on the Mission screen was red instead of green. Because in all other places EXIT and EJECT are red. That would also mean that the LAUNCH button should be Blue, just like the ACCEPT button.

So colour scheme: Blue going forward, Red going back and out.

Thank you so much for doing this.

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On 5/23/2021 at 4:29 AM, alexis99 said:

Absolutely awesome. Brilliant production design. Very stylish and modern military. Spent many happy hours converting my own hangar screen pictures to work with your template. This is exactly what SF2 should have shipped with.

Notwithstanding the above, here's some minor feedback:

1. Templates for all screens would be useful because we all tinker. I adjusted the Mission screen to put in a more finely detailed map - the Desert Planning Map, actually. I also made one for Nam so I can switch accordingly. Main Screen, I put in an F/A-18 Hornet.

With templates, it would have been easier, but it was fun.

2. The exit button at top left is a little soft. It would be nice if the aircraft silhouette was sharper.

3. It would be nice if the BACK button on the Mission screen was red instead of green. Because in all other places EXIT and EJECT are red. That would also mean that the LAUNCH button should be Blue, just like the ACCEPT button.

So colour scheme: Blue going forward, Red going back and out.

Thank you so much for doing this.

Thank you for the feedback! I am very happy you enjoyed it a lot! 

About the hangar pictures, I am truly honored!  That is awesome news!  I am going to keep expanding this mod for the community through time.

About the feedback:

1) I will start working on templates for all screens.  That way anyone can change the background pictures behind the GUI.  

2) About SF2 icon, that is understandable.  I will see what I can do about making it sharper.

3) hat makes sense.  How about this, I'll make a multi-version of different button colors for the various buttons.  That way people can pick any colors to their own liking?  The more customization, the merrier.



Edited by Eagle114th
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Thanks for taking my comments in the spirit they were intended. You have done a magnificent job.

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On 5/24/2021 at 8:44 PM, alexis99 said:

Thanks for taking my comments in the spirit they were intended. You have done a magnificent job.

Just a head up, I re-designed a new SF2 system icon. I am still changing the color. For now, it is still WIP. 

By the way, I have created templates for all menu screen, you will need to use PowerPoint, in order, to apply it over any background image you want to use. 

As soon I am done with overhauling SF2 system icon, i will work on adding button colors for customization options.

(NOTE: I am re-doing the color for left icon (darken the color completely)





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I am satisfied with the new icon colors.  F-14 version of SF2 system icon are added too (For customization).  If there are requests, I can do various different aircraft. 


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Wow, golly gosh, those plane icons are fabulous. You're setting the standard here.

Funnily enough the lighter-coloured icon looks sharper in your last pic. One of those optical illusions.

Do you ever find time to fly?

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On 5/30/2021 at 6:04 PM, alexis99 said:

Wow, golly gosh, those plane icons are fabulous. You're setting the standard here.

Funnily enough the lighter-coloured icon looks sharper in your last pic. One of those optical illusions.

Do you ever find time to fly?

Of course, I always make times for both modding and flying.  I am back working on a next new big update for this mod. :) 

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Everyone, I am still alive!  I have been gone for a few weeks, due to a busy real life situation.

Now I am back and here is what I have been working o:

SF2 - Screen overhaul v1.1 - Customizable Edition

This version will have the following features:

- New system icon
- Multi version of system icon with template available (for anyone who want to customize it.)
- Reworked codes that allows me to implement customizable buttons for each screen in SF2
- Multi button colors choices
- Templates for buttons (without texts)
- Templates for each screen (without background images, so anyone can use it to apply on any kind of background images)

Here is screenshots of my reworked codes for one of screen:

You can see here how I implemented the customizable buttons.  In each SF2 screen folder, there will be folders that contains different colors button, including templates.  The picture below show you how button colors can be changed.

By doing that, you will see the changed color for LOADOUT button:

I am aiming to release it by the end of this month or next month.

Edited by Eagle114th
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I´m a huge fan of your work! Congrats pal!!!

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Good afternoon everyone!

I have been working on adding more SF2 system icon with different aircraft.  I also have template ready for any of you to create more as add-on download for SF2 screen overhaul mod.  In a folder for SF2 system icon, you can see different aircraft to choose from:



Here is a full preview of each SF2 system icon:


I am working on one more project before releasing new version of SF2 screen overhaul.


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Hello everyone,

I just submitted new version of SF2 Screen Overhaul mod and is waiting for approval. It will be released soon. 


It is now released!  Enjoy the new version!


Edited by Eagle114th
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But , but, but, I have significantly failed to change the standard icon for your new HD ones. Where exactly do the icons go, and am I supposed to rename them?

Got all the buttons sorted though, exactly how I preferred them.

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It's okay, I fixed it. Should have mentioned it earlier.

What you do to get a better version of the Menu Icon is this:

In the package, open SF2 Main folders(Mods)/Menu/SF2_ICONS

There are groups of the following three files in various folders specific to aircraft.




Choose which set you want and RENAME them as follows




Now put them into the Menu folder.

Maybe it would be better if the Icons in the package were already given the name you should change them to.

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      -KJakker, for his interest and welcome support.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      Any changes to the package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
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      -Camouflage, for the NACA Main Screen (still available at the archives of Checksix-fr.com), which I have reworked.
      -HomeFries, for the planning map enhancements available in his Semi-Transparent Map Icons package.
      -Viper63a, for the Loading sound, which I got from one of his menu mods.
      -paulopanz, for collecting and updating guyran's WOI custom missions properly to SF2 standards.
      -guyran, for the original custom missions he created for Wings Over Israel.
      -KJakker, for his interest and welcome support.

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      Any changes to the package's files and/or any copy-and-paste attempts of their contents are NOT authorized if you plan to release them in other mods. But permission might be granted to those who request it to me at CombatACE.
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