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Hi! I'm trying to start building addon campaigns for eburger68's amazing SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion mod. I'm trying to start by making a "red" version of the Easter Offensive campaign called "Red Fiery Summer", where the player is a VPAF pilot in an alternate Easter Offensive where the PAVN/NLF ground forces had air support. The missions would be more varied than the ones in eburger68's own VPAF addon, with strike, recon, and CAS missions in addition to CAP and Intercept.

If anyone can help me get it set up and working, or at least teach me how to do it, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Attached below are my files for the campaign as they currently exist






Edited by Ferrilata

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Thank you, but I already tried to edit these files to add the other side's air force. These were the Fer_RedFierySummer and Fer_RedFierySummerDATA ini's I posted just up above. For some reason the game crashes every time I try to start a new campaign of them. I think I'm doing something wrong or missing something in the code, but I don't know what it is. Plus I can't find the data or crash logs, if there are any :(

Do you know where to find them (if they exist)?

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the two file I sent to you are modified. Therefore, CTD doesn`t occur anymore at my system. Just save your old files & replace it with my new files. May it will solve your problem.

Kind regards …

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      Sneak Peek
      CombatACE.com shall at all times retain ownership of the Software as originally downloaded by you and all subsequent downloads of the Software by you. The Software (and the copyright, and other intellectual property rights of whatever nature in the Software, including any modifications made thereto) are and shall remain the property of CombatACE.com and of the respective developers/modders.
      In no event, unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, shall CombatACE.com, or any person be liable for any loss, expense or damage, of any type or nature arising out of the use of, or inability to use this installer or program, including, but not limited to, claims, suits or causes of action involving alleged infringement of copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or unfair competition.
      The Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary Edition modification does NOT comply with CombatACE's Freeware Licensing. Various contents of this modification are exclusive, as such you are NOT allowed to share, redistribute and/or make use of the mod and/or its contents for other purposes, without the consent of the mod's developers. Contents of the modification are the copyright of their respective authors.
      Notes about the installer
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