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Saitek X52 (Non Pro), Unable to configure HOTAS throttle/stick

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I have been playing Strike Fighters 2 since past few years using a Keyboard. But I recently borrowed a HOTAS from a friend who wasn't using it anymore. After installing the latest driver in my PC, the HOTAS identified by the game as well (Strike Fighters 2 full package, updated till March 2012). However, I am confused when it comes to setting up the controls. The buttons on the HOTAS are very well functioning (after adding via SF2 Key Mapping menu), but the game is not recieving any input from Throttle and Stick at all. Both systems are fine, no issues as Logitech Software also acknowledges the throttle and stick movement. 

 So can somebody please help me out in fixing this issue? 

Thank You

Edited by Thunderone

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