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Falcon BMS 4.36 U3 released

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The latest iteration of the Tommo Inc Falcon 4.0 total conversion modification - Benchmark Sims 4.36 U3 - is available for you to enjoy RIGHT NOW!

BMS 4.36 U3 requires a legit installation of a Falcon 4.0 (all older and newer versions are accepted alike, i.e. Microprose, Hasbro, GOG, Steam, Retroism). The check is performed both at setup time and every time you start BMS. If no valid installation is found, BMS will exit with a corresponding error message.

U3 is an incremental update on top of 4.36 base + U1 + U2, so you need to have the BMS 4.36 Full Installer package and Update 1 and Update 2 available on your PC. You can both update your existing 4.36 base + U1 +U2 installation as well as perform a fresh 4.36 base + U1 + U2 + U3 installation from scratch, as you like. See the installation instructions below for details.

This mod may not be used for any commercial purposes. Any such use may constitute a violation of the intellectual property of Tommo Inc and the non-commercial Terms and Conditions under which Benchmark Sims make this mod available to you.

Installation instructions (they will be shown as well once you run the U3 installer):

DESTINATION FOLDER: Update 3 must be targeted at the original Falcon BMS 4.36 Setup folder, NOT at your Falcon BMS installation location! After the update installer has been finished, it will run the Falcon BMS Setup program to either apply the update to an existing BMS 4.36 base + U1 + U2 installation (choose ‘Manage product updates’), or perform a fresh 4.36 base + U1 + U2 + U3 installation from scratch.

Please refer to: WIKI Installation page to see how to proceed with BMS update.





Data Changelog

3D & Textures changes:

Flight Models changes:
- EF-2000 OFM changed

Documentation changes:
- KTO charts updated
- Kneeboards ILS freq page updated
- Training Manual updated
- Dash 34-1 updated
- CAS Template updated

Vehicle / Weapon changes:
- Fixed Triple Ejector Rack (TER) not used for single BDU-33

IVC changes:

Comms changes:

Airbase changes:
- 3D trees removed from some additional airbases (FPS performance issues)
- ILS Seosan fixed

Other changes:
- Updated Falcon BMS.cfg
- Added g_bExternalTrackIROrientation in cfg file
- Campaign Tiger Spirit is now easier as per original design

Code Changelog

3D Engine:
- Fixed aircrafts not exploding when hitting the ground
- Fixed memory leak in frame draw lists.

Weather Engine:

AI Engine:
- Rewriting of the ground avoidance code. Fixes aircraft crashing into the ground too easily in BFM. Allow better low level combat.
- Fixed AI landing on wrong airbase.
- Fixed memory corruption in helibrain.

ATC Engine:
- Fixed Parking point CTD due to reaggregation.

UI Engine:
- Fixed UI CTD related to ATO mission type drop down and pauses UI refresher while user is editing it.
- Fixed CTD in UI editor when flight creation fails.

- Fixed CTD after last mav is fired and AIM9 tries to draw DLZ.
- Fixed inconsistencies in heading tape position & ILS caret position.
- Fixed size of Maltese cross in AGR/DTOS, ACM Slew, and CATA.
- Fixed missing funnel/sight with no lock.
- Possible fix for hung stores due to spikes in input.

Flight Models:

- Fixes CTD related to MP tanker message.
- Fix for ACMI deadlock on exit.
- Some tacview fixes (improve frequency, fixes typo).


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My dad found Falcon 4.0 Gold when he moved and gave it to me. I see the patch procedure in your post, but I wonder about disk space and where to get the updates?  Falcon3 was my jam in the days before true online and I got sucked into Jane's world online before Falcon became a thing. I have been watching the changes in Falcon, and now that DCS has an F-16, should I even bother?

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      BMS 4.37 U7 requires a legit installation of a Falcon 4.0 (all older and newer versions are accepted alike, i.e. Microprose, Hasbro, GOG, Steam, Retroism). The check is performed both at setup time and every time you start BMS. If no valid installation is found, BMS will exit with a corresponding error message.
      For those of you who are new to Falcon and still need a legacy Falcon 4.0 license, you’re lucky, as there are various season sales going on.
      Retroism  GOG  If you have already installed Falcon BMS 4.37 you will need to launch the “updater.exe” in Falcon BMS root folder (or from the new launcher). Alternatively, you can use the offline incremental installer available on the Falcon BMS Download  page.
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      Credits must really go to
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      Known issues - the SUU-11 pods are not placed correctly. I didn't have time to fix it. I hope someone will fix them.
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      2) I have not included a READ ME file, which I think I will do in the future.
      3) a possible update would fix the SUU-11 issue plus improved avionics, if someone has some suggestions for further improvements please PM me.
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      Ladies and Gentlemen,
      On behalf of the entire BMS development team, I am happy to announce that the latest iteration of the Microprose Falcon 4.0 total conversion modification - Benchmark Sims 4.37 U4 - is available for you to enjoy RIGHT NOW!
      BMS 4.37 U4 requires a legit installation of a Falcon 4.0 (all older and newer versions are accepted alike, i.e. Microprose, Hasbro, GOG, Steam, Retroism). The check is performed both at setup time and every time you start BMS. If no valid installation is found, BMS will exit with a corresponding error message.
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      For those of you who are new to Falcon and still need a legacy Falcon 4.0 license, you’re lucky, as there are various season sales going on.
      Retroism GOG If you have already installed BMS 4.37 Full Installer you will need to launch the “updater.exe” in Falcon BMS root folder (or from the new launcher). Alternatively, you can use the offline incremental installer available on the Falcon BMS Download page.
      This mod may not be used for any commercial purposes. Any such use may constitute a violation of the intellectual property of Tommo Inc and the non-commercial Terms and Conditions under which Benchmark Sims make this mod available to you.
      After the update, when starting BMS, the version string in the BMS UI will now read:
      FALCON BMS 4.37.4 (X64) BUILD 2355
      A big THANK YOU to everyone in the BMS development team and to the gents from Microprose and Tommo who made this release possible!
      (Text from BMS)


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