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WWI sim - Based on the IL-2 engine announced!

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That sort of hostility seems unwarranted...

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If it is from a russian team, they will release a new BUY-ONLY patch every 3 weeks, then release the full game once a year at 1/10th the price that the shmucks who kept updating paid..........SCUM.


Certainly unwarranted.


Are you talking Il2?


IL2 provided so many freebies for so many years, it was amazing - never saw another company do anything like that EVER.


If your talking about the latest releases, complete sets, well maybe......but I'd guess that like me, most that bought all this, bought it knowing full well it was a ripoff ........ but bought it nevertheless for two reasons. To thank Oleg and team, for their enormous dedication and having given so much away for free, and secondly to support financially Oleg's new endeavor, which seems even better to me than anything else around including KOTS.


If there were indeed "shmucks" that bought it, well in this case they are getting a great game that was enhanced painstakingly and relatively free of cost, and contributing to a worthy future cause.

Edited by peter01

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The Il2 Engine is ok for a game like this, I have seen the way it's built tho.. and it's really screwy.

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I have seen the way it's built tho.. and it's really screwy.

Hi Hellzone.. excuse me butting in... i'm not sure if you mean the IL2 engine, or the new one ?

the game looks visually stunning, and i'm looking forward to playing it very much.


whats up with it?



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