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WWI sim - Based on the IL-2 engine announced!

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Russian developer team, called GT announced the start of the WWI sim development:




And for starters, the first developement update:




This is a Babelfish translation:


Company GT (Genaddich Team) officially announced about the beginning of the works on the new project PC game in the genre of aviasim, under the working name: "The First World War: Knights of the Skies ".


Actions according to the game design will take place in the period from 1916 to 1918 on the Western Front, were three sides: England, France and Germany occupied the defensive positions on the borders of Belgium and France. Exactly at this time, at the dawn of the birth of aviation, for the first time combat aircraft were used an mass, and the first aces glorified their names by audacious victories in the first air battles.


In the territory of more than 100 000 square kilometers players will be able to take part in the known to us only from historical literature famous battles in Ypres, Malmezon, in the operation of Kambre, in the battle on the river Liss, and the Verdun meat grinder. 13 legendary aircraft controlled by player, being planned to be included in the game. derailed to us from the historical illustrations: Fokker Dr.1, Nieuport 17/17bis/23, SPAD XIII, Albatros D.III, Gotha G.V, Sopwith Camel, R.E.8, and also up to 30 aircraft and dirigibles under control of the AI and more than 60 models of ground-based equipment and personnel. In the game it will have Single Player, Network play (via the Internet), campaigns for the players on the both sides of the conflict. Convenient system of learning instruction will also be developed.


Deeply modified engine of the Il-2 Sturmovik game (by Maddox Games) is going to be at the base of the project, but the GT is planning to introduce thousands of changes related not only to the 3D models of new objects and changes into landscape, but also improvements into graphic and sound special effects, corrections for the flight model and ballistic characteristics of the armament, and much more into its source code, which will allow to elevate new game to the standards of the 2006 simms.


Preliminary date of release of project - end of the Autumn of 2006.

The publisher of project is 1C.


This is some OUTSTANDING news for all of us WWI sim fans!!!! :cool:

Edited by ArgonV

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for sooo long nothing now this and TKs venture into WW1..these are good times for WW1 simmers.

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for sooo long nothing now this and TKs venture into WW1..these are good times for WW1 simmers.



Yeah....one with a great multiplayer...and one without.

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Yeah....one with a great multiplayer...and one without.

1 that the community can add their own aircraft/object models etc. to & 1 that you probably can't. ;)

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Updates in english can now be found at: http://www.gennadich.com/


New in-game screenshots have been posted along with aerodrome screenshots! Current state of the game is pre-alpha.

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Guest IndioBlack

I am personally, very pleased about this.

We did have a sort of WWI simulation using IL-2 as a basis some years ago. The Sim itself had quite a number of biplanes, even if they were incorrect vintage. But there was a website where people had made paint schemes that gave the stock aircraft the look of WWI aircraft. I made several sets of missions for these aircraft under the label BLUE MAX, using the Bastogne terrain, and these are still available on the NETWINGS site.

A dedicated IL-2 based sim, with the correct aircraft, will be most welcome.

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I am personally, very pleased about this.

We did have a sort of WWI simulation using IL-2 as a basis some years ago. The Sim itself had quite a number of biplanes, even if they were incorrect vintage. But there was a website where people had made paint schemes that gave the stock aircraft the look of WWI aircraft. I made several sets of missions for these aircraft under the label BLUE MAX, using the Bastogne terrain, and these are still available on the NETWINGS site.

A dedicated IL-2 based sim, with the correct aircraft, will be most welcome.


If your referring to Knights of the Sky as based on the IL2 engine, the sim isn't...

They have actually join forces with Strict and have come up with their own engine...

This is certainly a much better direction as the IL2 engine is antiquated.. That engine doesn't really lend itself to a lot of modern day functions that GT has employed, They've implemented in the Alpha (Speed Trees and Advanced Shaders just to name a few)..

So now were all waiting for the demo which should be released sometime this summer, and should be quite amazing ..



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I hope, I'll see them at KRI game developers conference in Moscow this spring. Maybe there'll be something flyable :wink:

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I wish they'd give us an idea on the release...

It's driving me insane!

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Hmm.. The release date was announced as late autumn this year.

Anyway, in a week or so I'll have a mag with an interview with the developers. I'll try to translate the interesting bits :)

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Ok.. I got the article :blink:

The game is supposed to provide pilot with more than 100 000 sq kilometers of historically correct terrain for the 1917-1918(some like it easy apparently :wink: ). Il-2 engine is heavily modified - the graphics part is going to be amazing(trees are finally trees - not layers of green paint).

There's gonna be 13 flyable planes(German, France, RAF, USA) and about 30 will be AI-only. Throw in nearly 60 types of ground units as well. To get the feel of level of plane detail have a look at the screens at their website.

TrackIR + Vector are going to be useful(if not necessary) and fully supported.

Multiplayer seems to be one of the developers' priorities.. it's possible that KoS will have air war mode like Warbirds or GT's Air Domination War for Il-2.

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like eney thing Il-2 it will be one sided


and the models always look grate but look how limited il2 is the sound, the sky, the tracers and its the old il2 so that means 256 skins.


go back and look at il2 in the before beta it looked like the best sim ever but it was much diferent after it came out.


but online play should be grate, but the AI will be just as dumb. :tomato: but thats what i think my 5cent

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What got cancelled was their use of the Il-2 engine. That has been replaced with I believe their own in-house engine.

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What got cancelled was their use of the Il-2 engine. That has been replaced with I believe their own in-house engine.



I think they have a great idea but im not seeing much info from them at all. They showed a few models a while back and haven't seen anything else. I can't tell if they are keeping it quiet or just don't have the resources to get it done.


I have a feeling they have a huge effort and may not have the resources to pull it off.Personally I would rather see a new game engine as you have suggested.


Lets hope they get this done soon so we can have a bunch of wwi sims and I can give up on what little time I have freee as it is :crazy:

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They're working on the game hard... The problem is that most info is available in Russian only. Try their forum - I remember seeing an English section there. They started a wiki museum of aircraft. Had an interview a couple of month ago.. The things are moving and this autumn might give us the reason to upgrade.

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They started a wiki museum of aircraft.

it was locked? for devlopers only (i presumed).

game *looks* lovely, but i hope it plays better than IL2.

(the bouncy planes didn't really do it for me).


why didn't they do the Eastern front?

is it not as commercially viable?


would love to virtually fly a Sikorsky.

i'm really looking forward to this game.



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If it is from a russian team, they will release a new BUY-ONLY patch every 3 weeks, then release the full game once a year at 1/10th the price that the shmucks who kept updating paid..........SCUM.

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