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Mirage F1EQ-6

Mirage F1EQ-6

Iraqi Air Force received 106 F1EQ & 15 F1BQ between 31 January 1981 and 1989.

F1EQ-6 specifics:

  • R550, no R530, S530F, AUF2, CLB4, CLB8
  • Radio-altimeter
  • Inertial Navigation System
  • Radio-compass
  • Seat Mk10
  • RWR Sherloc
  • AAR probe
  • Sycomor, Remora, Caiman, Syrel, Baz-AR, COR2, CC420 pods capability
  • Sycomor gondolas (P0 station, retrofit 1986) 
  • Harold pod
  • RPL201 EFT
  • Intertechnique AAR pod (Shift-1 for Hose-Drogue deployment/retraction, MaxSpeed=550 km/h=300 kts)
  • Patrick LPD1 Laser Designation Pod
  • AS-30L 
  • AM39 Exocet (Fuselage + Underwings)
  • SLAR Side Looking Aiborne Radar Recon Pod

Covered units :

  • 81st Squadron
  • 91st Squadron

This addon is and will in all cases remain freeware.

Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms.


The Mirage F.1 Team


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Fantastic! Hope the IRIAF birds comes along!

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I don't understand what is the problem???
There is a weapon loading problem in the center station :(




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How about you try using NORMAL fonts and formatting, so we don't have to scroll around the whole damn screen to see what you wrote???

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I take the point. With what we have released, you should not have this result, so my first immediate feedback is that you have a conflict with former files that are not compatible with the 4.0 release. Try that first please, re-download if needed, and make sure to overwrite all files (after backup if you want to keep the previous versions for reference) and check again.

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I have double-checked: with released files, it is ok. The problem seems to be due to another CLB4 rack used than the one released.

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