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Falcon 4 Microprose

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With the new (old) Microprose now obtaining the rights to Falcon 4 do you think they will update it even more than BMS have done?  I am just getting back into Falcon 4. I just about to install BMS latest to see how it's improved.

And just for old times sake I climbed into my old dusty attic where I keep just about every boxed PC flight sim ever made and dug out my original Falcon 4 big box. I am surprised how heavy it is too. Those were the days. I bought this falcon 4 in 1998 whilst serving in Cyprus in the RAF. I am looking forward to Microprose updating some of my old favourites. 



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The box is exactly like mine! I think that the BMS team will be lured into NewMicroProse and the new old Falcon 4.0 will be made good. But sales managers will say that the game don't look modern and everythiung must be redon. You need to add spawn points, points that need to be captured, and a rear view. Everything will be remade to arcade and the new Falcon 5.0  will fail in sales. After which the name Falcon 4 will be banned and the BMS team will be driven to hell. This will be the end of this sim.

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13 hours ago, bazillius said:

The box is exactly like mine! I think that the BMS team will be lured into NewMicroProse and the new old Falcon 4.0 will be made good. But sales managers will say that the game don't look modern and everythiung must be redon. You need to add spawn points, points that need to be captured, and a rear view. Everything will be remade to arcade and the new Falcon 5.0  will fail in sales. After which the name Falcon 4 will be banned and the BMS team will be driven to hell. This will be the end of this sim.

To be honest, I miss the days of easier to use combat flight sims. I wouldn't mind if it was made easier. My all time favourite was F16 Combat Pilot followed by F117 by microprose. These days, DCS and BMS just make everything to difficult for this old time gamer. 

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10 hours ago, Dogzero1 said:

easier to use combat flight sims.

As for me, the game market is simply oversaturated with arcade flying games. On the contrary, I only play Falcon BMS and simply don’t see an alternative. Just a huge number of arcade games, for example War Thunder. Ace Combat kind games series and others. There are an endless number of them. Just my opinion. I don't want to say these games are bad. Don't understand me right :biggrin:

For me, the news about the return of ownership of Falcon 4.0 to NewMicroProse is very bad.  It would be better if this game was Abandonware. No one is stopping MicroProse from making a new game under a new name. I'm sure they'll just ruin everything made.

Don't listen to me. I'm a skeptic! In real I am sure they will build a good game!

PS but you will see it wiull be as i said haha

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I'm going to make sure my latest version of BMS is backed up somewhere.

If they try to improve the sim in the spirit of the original Falcon, more power to them. If they go the TW route and go all arcadey on me I will probably pass.



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7 hours ago, DoctorQuest said:

I'm going to make sure my latest version of BMS is backed up somewhere.

yes, we have to download absolutely everything from there asap

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On 22/09/2023 at 10:35 PM, bazillius said:

As for me, the game market is simply oversaturated with arcade flying games. On the contrary, I only play Falcon BMS and simply don’t see an alternative. Just a huge number of arcade games, for example War Thunder. Ace Combat kind games series and others. There are an endless number of them. Just my opinion. I don't want to say these games are bad. Don't understand me right :biggrin:

For me, the news about the return of ownership of Falcon 4.0 to NewMicroProse is very bad.  It would be better if this game was Abandonware. No one is stopping MicroProse from making a new game under a new name. I'm sure they'll just ruin everything made.

Don't listen to me. I'm a skeptic! In real I am sure they will build a good game!

PS but you will see it wiull be as i said haha

I didn't say I want arcade games. In the good old days of F117A, F19 and Janes USAF, these weren't regarded as arcade flight games.  But they were easier to operate and the enjoyment was fabulous. There is room for this type of flight combat sim again without resorting to silly games like war thunder and Ace Combat. Maybe you are too young to remember where us PC combat pilots did our training? :wink:

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I got Falcon 4 on Steam for 5.99, but haven't touched it yet due to me staying with SF2 and getting back into Arma 3

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