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Hi all,

I'm working on some .ini tweaks and weapon load-outs (from the B-57B Flight Handbook at Avialogs https://www.avialogs.com/aircraft-m/martin/itemlist/category/1198-b-57-canberra ) for my SF2 Vietnam install, but I've had no luck tracking down a SEA Camo Over Gray skin for the B-57B. Does anyone have such a skin that they'd be willing to share? 

Minor .ini edits I can do,  but skinning is beyond me. Geary was working on a project back in 2018, as per this thread: 




Here are some images from the interwebs:











Any info on these awesome aircraft very much appreciated.

Kind Regards,



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The load-outs I'm aiming for (no pun intended) are 9x 500lb AN-M64 GP bombs, and 16x HVARs. Should be a lot of fun in game!





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I have that same book, and a bunch of others... needed them for that recent B-57 mod i did.

we have a HVAR 2-rack used for the F-84s that should be usable with some tweeking (personally, I pefer LAU-3s)

as for the skin, have you looking in USAFMTL (Dave') B57 skin pack??


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Ok, I checked Dave's pack, and it does NOT have SEA 3 tone with gray belly. Let me PM Sundowner, and see if he still has the templates archived someplace. With that it's a simple matter.

I could give you one with a 'gray NMF' bellly by layering the NMF and SEA camo, then erasing the black unders. But, it wouldn't be quite right.

Also, to the let you know, that rocket rack will fire "as it wants to", so it may shoot all the upper first, or in proper sequence

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well, I got the 2-pack to work. I forgot that it dosne't have a LOD, so it looks a bit funny....I'll try and move the lower rocket up closer to the top




OTH, can I interest you, FOR NO ADDITIONAL COST!!!!! (however, YOU must supply your own rockets ...) a 3 pack rack!!! :lol: Act now! Supplies are limited!!!


unless Ravenclaw's got one floating around someplace ...

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Well, sir, I will very happily accept all offers. 👍 Those triple racks look pretty handy for gummint work!! 😎

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well, it's not perfect .... the unders could be a little more of that 'cream gray' you see on Phantoms and Thuds....but without a real template I made due with what I gots to work with. I mean, hell, not bad for 8 hours of work ..!!!


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5 hours ago, Wrench said:

I mean, hell, not bad for 8 hours of work ..!!!

I couldn't do that in 8 months without asking for help, and then lying about why I didn't get it done. That's some seriously nice work.


There are 2 screws missing on the cockpit canopy rail that just ruins the whole model....:lol:

Well, somebody's gotta count them rivets!!!!

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6 hours ago, Wrench said:

well, it's not perfect .... the unders could be a little more of that 'cream gray' you see on Phantoms and Thuds....but without a real template I made due with what I gots to work with. I mean, hell, not bad for 8 hours of work ..!!!

Wow, that looks really nice - love the coloring and weathering you put on it especially - great job Wrench!

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umm... the weathering is stock. The skin is just one big cheat ... I just worked with layers. The bottom layer is the stock 3W NMF skin, then dropped the SEA 3 tone on top, and just erased the black underside sections. I DO like the weathering on the stock NMF skins.

The missing rivet is totally my fault; I'd erased a camo section of the canopy by mistake, when looking for the under-nose antenna. So I just painted over that section. The rivets are too damn large, anways!

I'll wait for KiweBiggles to respond to this, to see if he needs any serial or tail code decals, and for which squadron(s). And which style of serial presentation. I've adjusted the (newest) loadout ini (that was uploaded with the recent B-57 Skin & Ini Pack) to take the dual HVARs for CAS/Armed Recon* I'l leaving the internal bay alone (4 M117s); not gonna mess around with rewriting positions for 6 WW2 500 pounders



*personally, I prefer loading the wing stations with LAU-3s. LOTS and LOTS of rockets...muuuuuahahahahahahah*

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Wow, that's awesome Wrench! I've got a lot of love for the 13th Bomb Squadron (Tactical) 'The Devil's Own Grim Reapers', and their camo birds from around '66 and '67 (white belly and black belly) appear to have had white serial numbers on the tail, but no squadron letter codes.





Very much appreciate this sir, thank you so much. I'm truly humbled, and what a great tribute to the men and women of the Devil's Own.

Best Regards,


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Started on the decals last night. I"m calling the skin "8BS_E" for early


what a great tribute to the men and women of the Devil's Own.

Truth. What hurts is when running down serials is finding out loses. "crashed on takeoff", "shot down by ground fire", "ditched in ocean off coast". Not just the metal, the flesh. "crew killed" "lost in action". Remembering them, even with something as un-real as a aircraft paint job in a game, it's how I honor them.

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Wrench... absolutely love it!! Thank you very, very much! 


I got my Crew Chief back at Da Nang to paint out my drop tanks. It's nothin' fancy, but he did a rough enough job (the mapping is pretty funky, and a skinner I am not!). :biggrin:


Also got the mechanics to sort me some favourite loadouts. Anyone who wants to give 'em a try is more than welcome, and I also loaded in some 'Nam pilot skins from my downloads (sorry, I don't recall the artist after all these years, but someone will know; most CA members will already have then lurking around in their archives). These 500-pounders, I'm pretty sure, are by Ravenclaw, and I recall they came with a Mirage III or Israeli Air Force download; again, CA members probably already have 'em around... and I'm excited to see Raveclaw's Weapon Pack 3 has just dropped! I've used the SpecficStationCode statements to manage my ordnance, so some modding knowledge will be needed if anyone wants to try the 500-pounder loadout. I subbed out the NUC bomb bay for this SF2 Vietnam install, but will use them both in my SF2 Europe install.



I'm still fine-tuning, but these are my current file versions for anyone interested:




Thanks again Wrench, you're an absolute legend!


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your welcome! it was a nice test of (what little) skill I have in erasing layers !!! :wink:

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