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Is there a way to get default game Lod files?

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The answer is simple: No. Not on legal way.

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What Gepard said... you cannot access the .LOD files directly per se, but you can view them via Mue's excellent LOD Viewer tool, it's packed full of useful features:


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4 hours ago, Jimbib said:

What Gepard said... you cannot access the .LOD files directly per se, but you can view them via Mue's excellent LOD Viewer tool, it's packed full of useful features:



I was wondering atleast if we can use the default LOD files for mod aircraft in our personal games

So for example if i typed the base lod files into the ini files would it work?

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if your ini calls for a stock lod, thats just fine

"new" aircraft that calls a  stock lod and uses a fakepilot object is fine.

the biggie is if you release here, do not include the lod. which again you cant legally as TK locked them all.

we can see em in the viewer, we just cant pull them out for use or renaming etc....

but mod with a stock lod and other stuff added is common and fairly easy

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If I understand you correctly, then you want to make another plane from the standard aircraft model, which is already in the vanilla game, by hiding parts in ini files and adding a fake pilot, and you want to know whether just a link to the LOD of the model will work, then the answer is yes. You can do this, and then you can post it here to share with us.

For examole look at this aircraft


Its made from vanila standart F-16A_Netz and in iniu have a link on the LOD


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