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Hello everyone.

i need help.   When I transfer a model from 3ds max 2009 to lod file . It looks so transparent.  Ghosting ? 
what is the problem?  And how do I solve it?



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Select all and then flip faces that should fix the inverted faces



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It is your model or from free ("free") 3d library? - perhaps smashes are to complex/to big - but this usually occurs in-game already not necessarily in lodviewer. 

If it  from library - then perhaps you have to edit, weld vertexes,  invert polys, reset X form, and reset pivots - many of the models simply are not build with a particular game in mind. 

For SF2 model must be built as any other model but with some specific "parameter" or "limitations" to work properly. Most of the time easy-peasy import of existing models into game will not work.


What is the problem with the font size of your post? looks like they are growing feverishly...

CPU overheats perhaps?

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yes, PLEASE fix that screwed up font!!! I can't even fix (edit) it from my control panel

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      Edit: Fixed a miss spelled word.

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