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Task Force Ships spawning on land in Desert Storm Terrain

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My carrier and amphibious task forces are spawning on land in the desert storm map. I believe it has to do with the coordinates of these within the targets file and want to fix myself. However, I don't have a terrain editor to make these fixes.  Not sure if the map was updated, but I cannot download.  Rather, I'd like to fix the coordinates myself in the INI.  Can someone please assist in providing a good coordinate for the task forces to start on water and not sail feet dry?



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It's a bug in game engine. For some reasons the game engine let ships operate outside the designated "water" areas. AFAIK you can't do anything against it.

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Okay good to know.  I can use mission editor to remediate but it just gets annoying after a while. 

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What's a good Terrain Editor out there so I can take a stab at it?

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No, you don't want to do that.

The 3rdWire Terrain Editor is for beyond Expert Level users. It's NOT user friendly at all!!

And actually, it in how the terrain's _water bmp is read by the engine, and if said water bmp is formated correctly with the proper CV stations (in the right colors*), and the terrain has the proper statements for CV usage. 

Also, making sure you're using said terrains in the SF2NA environmet. Even with the game's full merging, NA seems to have the best coding for CVs


*someing about "how many bits' the bmp is saved as

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12 hours ago, Wrench said:

And actually, it in how the terrain's _water bmp is read by the engine, and if said water bmp is formated correctly with the proper CV stations (in the right colors*), and the terrain has the proper statements for CV usage. 

That's true, Kevin. However, the terrain included in the ODS mod already features a proper water bitmap. This is not an issue of the mod, it's a known game limitation. Fleets have no issues in spawning in terrains with an ocean of water. The Persian Gulf in ODS is much smaller (also due to the 67% of Real World scale) so the game has issues on spawning fleets inside very limited water areas.

There's no real solution to this, it's one of many issues of Strike Fighters 2 we have to live with.

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