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Hardware troubles in SF2

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Hi I used to fly SF2 all the time and then I got away from it for 11yrs. I am trying to get back in it but I’m 65 now a USAF Vet and I’m on heavy pain meds so my thinking is a little foggy. I was hopeful that someone still really into the game could help me figure out why the game isn’t recognizing my controls which are the same ones I used 11yrs ago . I believe I have updated the firmware but I’m running into script problems on the same stuff I used in the game. I just need to talk to people about this and the game and maybe it will start coming back. I’m disabled and depressed I was hoping  This could occupy my mind and time. Thank You for any kind souls who would be willing to help 😊🙏🏻

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well few things for starters

do the stock controls work?("+" for throtle up, arrow keys for up down left and right)?

what other controller are you using?

finally are you literally using the same controller you last used 11 years ago? like pulled out a drawer, not bought a new copy of the old gear?

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Hi, They are Thrustmaster warthog HOTAS on Win7 64bit and Saitek pro combat pedals. I did buy a winwing throttle and f-16 stick but do lua files work on SF2? The game saw those but not my rudder pedals…. I forgot to mention I was a member here and a financial supporter all those years ago.

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The controllers are new I remember buying them when I started having problems with the other old warthog stick a wire had come loose and I had to solder it back and the Thrustmaster software saw it again. But I was using the new Warthog hotas I bought trying to get into the game. Was there some kind of update while I was gone to the game? I was up to date back then. The computer calibration app sees all the stick,throttle and MFD’s and they work properly there.


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No update to the game unfortunately. I'm not sure and out on a limb but doesn't the Warthog have software of its own? If so have you tried that?

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Yes it’s one of the problems I’m running into the script which I used a million times for the game is coming back with script error problems? Launched from the TARGET software which is latest download. And by the way Thank You Guys for your help! I’m just stuck without it.

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Can you use winwing Controls with SF2? Has anybody? I never used LUA file’s before I know you can in Great battles IL2, and DCS but I haven’t tried on those platforms yet.

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I think we should wait for somebody with a Warthog stick to chime in that can help you, as I don't own a Warthog stick. I own a Thrustmaster Hotas One myself and it's plug and pray more or less.

An aside I got depression though I'm managing it kinda well, so you're not the only one on here who's got mental issues.

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Thanks Eric, I hope the game is helping to occupy your time and of some help. My mobility is kinda limited so flight simming may be a good match for me. Thanks again for responding and I wish you better days and less depression in them.🙂👍

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Thanks man but as of late I don' t play SF2 at all, I keep it around because I'm working on a project with Soulfreak and Co., but it's a phase of me not playing it for awhile since there's nothing new to do with it. I mainly play other games and such, keeps my interest, though I play a lot of Arma 3 though.

I think SF2 will keep you  busy since all of the aircraft and maps you can fly to keep busy with. Maybe you'll do more or some modding, that usually takes up time too, so that may be a good route. The only reason I play Arma 3 a lot is that I can mod that game, as I have enough software to help me edit the models and the like, so I stick with what I can do, while in SF2 I mainly do skins and such.

Edited by EricJ

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I Think I remember you guys and wrench I was pestering him about new maps like ww2 Burma and a Balkans campaign Did those ever come about? I have a lot of mods and aircraft that I can fly in SF2, IL2 is good but limited and DCS has a learning curve but is also limited that’s why I want to get back into it. Any way I remember you all being really good guys I think I recognized some old names from here on DCS. 11 yrs will really wipe your memory on this stuff and I did everything except making mods on here don’t know where it all went. I’m gonna try to get it back just need a little refresher. And I want to start to support the site again.

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You dont have to use the Thrustmaster software, you can just go into the in game options screen for the controllers/key mapping and create your own custom game profile from there.

It's just a case of highlighting the key command you wish to assign to a button and then press the button or switch you want to assign to it, obviously it's nowhere near as concise as the Target software if you wanted to create a lot of macro's etc but for using the games basic commands it works just fine.  

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