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About TruNewtype

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  1. MiG-21SMT

    You have a guy sticking out under the plane
  2. AGM-158C LRASM

    Your Mod is broken, It's not showing up ingame for selection...
  3. SF2 F-22A USAF Raptors Redux 2016

    Where's the stealth?
  4. RWR Sounds

    You made my day my dude, one question, how can I make it work for all of my units, because apparently it doesn't work for f22 and f35.
  5. F-16C Block 50/52 by The Viper Team

    I meant beyond 40nm...
  6. F-16C Block 50/52 by The Viper Team

    Can you fix the BVR mode for this unit? can't seem to slew targets from 40nm...

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